Solved Pipe timeout issue? Terminated with signal 13.

This is on FreeBSD 14.0-RELEASE. I discovered this with a different command, but I was able to reduce it down to a pretty generic example. When I run this command, it regularly (but not always) fails:

dehrmann@freebsd:/var $ ls | sort | xargs | ls

<~20 items listed>

xargs: /bin/echo: terminated with signal 13; aborting

This is a recent installation, and it's using a zfs root.
your last ls command exited before xargs without waiting for input from the pipes, because it doesn't care about stdin, breaking the plumbing (13 = SIGPIPE) and dumping raw sewage all over your system internals
your last ls command exited before xargs without waiting for input from the pipes, because it doesn't care about stdin, breaking the plumbing (13 = SIGPIPE) and dumping raw sewage all over your system internals
Oops. I didn't mean to pipe it to ls. Never mind.