Pi Zero CPU Frequency

Aren't there sysctl(8)s for that?
dev.cpu.0.freq_levels: CPU frequency levels
dev.cpu.0.freq: Current CPU frequency

sysctl -a | grep freq returns:
kern.timecounter.tc.BCM2835-3.frequency: 1000000
kern.eventtimer.et.BCM2835-3.frequency: 1000000
kern.acct_chkfreq: 15
net.inet.sctp.sack_freq: 2
debug.cpufreq.verbose: 0
debug.cpufreq.lowest: 0
debug.uart_poll_freq: 50

sysctl -a | grep cpu returns:
kern.smp.cpus: 1
kern.smp.maxcpus: 1
kern.ccpu: 1948
kern.sched.cpusetsize: 4
kern.pin_pcpu_swi: 0
kern.vt.splash_cpu_duration: 10
kern.vt.splash_cpu_style: 2
kern.vt.splash_ncpu: 0
kern.vt.splash_cpu: 0
vfs.ncpurgeminvnodes: 128
net.inet.tcp.per_cpu_timers: 0
debug.cpufreq.verbose: 0
debug.cpufreq.lowest: 0
hw.ncpu: 1
hw.cpu.quirks.actlr_set: 0
hw.cpu.quirks.actlr_mask: 0
security.jail.param.cpuset.id: 0
It might be that the cpufreq(4) driver works differently or not at all on armv6.

Maybe dmesg |grep cpu leads somewhere.

In case you ask on the arm mailing list, please also tell them which installation image you used.
If you're looking for config.txt you can find it in /boot/msdos/.
I guessed you were looking for it as you need to adjust it in order to overclock the Pi.

I am not trying to overclock it but I saw that it was running slower than other OS. So I think it's CPU frequency is set to lower in order to prevent heating.

Edit: I checked the link. I think init_uart_clock=3000000 is the CPU clock (am I right?). But I can't find uart_clock on the link you posted.
Okay, thank you!

Now I think I need to enable powerd, is it done by adding powerd_enable="YES" to rc.conf?

And I have one more question that is not related to this topic: How can I know what I can add to rc.conf as x_enable="YES" or if_x_enable="YES", I don't think that we can add vi_enable="YES" to start vi at the boot time. I searched net for how to enable powerd in freebsd and a few results show up. None of them directly saying it is powerd_enable="YES", I feel like I need to learn what I can add to rc.conf.

-Thank you so much!
The ifconfig_* variables are for InterFaces, like the ethernet or wireless interfaces, it directly translates to the ifconfig(8) command. foo_enable is generally used to enable services, the command service -e will show you which services have been enabled. Services are started with scripts in /etc/rc.d and /usr/local/etc/rc.d. Those *_enable variables just tells the system which ones to activate.

For example, sshd_enable="YES" causes /etc/rc.d/sshd to be executed during boot which starts the sshd(8) daemon.
The ifconfig_* variables are for InterFaces, like the ethernet or wireless interfaces, it directly translates to the ifconfig(8) command. foo_enable is generally used to enable services, the command service -e will show you which services have been enabled. Services are started with scripts in /etc/rc.d and /usr/local/etc/rc.d. Those *_enable variables just tells the system which ones to activate.

For example, sshd_enable="YES" causes /etc/rc.d/sshd to be executed during boot which starts the sshd(8) daemon.
Thank you so much!