Greetings all,
last night, we had high wind and, as it is a habit of the power company, they turned power off. Regretfully, there was some glitch in our backup system coming on line, the power cycled about three times being off for a few seconds each time before it stabilized. When I came to the lab, I found both of my servers to be off, since the UPS powering the servers malfunctioned. Not to be the end of the event storm, a power supply in one of my servers failed.
Upon replacing the power supply, the server came on-line, but both pools reported "Insufficient replicas" in regards to the mirror-x and "cannot open" in regards to both drives in the respective mirrors.
To paraphrase a title of a popular movie "Is all lost?"
Kindest regards,
last night, we had high wind and, as it is a habit of the power company, they turned power off. Regretfully, there was some glitch in our backup system coming on line, the power cycled about three times being off for a few seconds each time before it stabilized. When I came to the lab, I found both of my servers to be off, since the UPS powering the servers malfunctioned. Not to be the end of the event storm, a power supply in one of my servers failed.
Upon replacing the power supply, the server came on-line, but both pools reported "Insufficient replicas" in regards to the mirror-x and "cannot open" in regards to both drives in the respective mirrors.
To paraphrase a title of a popular movie "Is all lost?"
Kindest regards,