So I stumbled upon this port:
multimedia/tvheadend, and found a page with screenshot:
Anyone have a nice setup going involving an OTA (Over The Air) HDTV tuner card, and have it streaming to remote devices? While web browsers are nice on the viewing, I would really be interested to read if anyone has this running where it it streams out via DLNA, or as a multimedia/plexmediaserver channel.
Any other ports I should be looking at? And please tell me what specific hardware you are using on the tuner. Thanks again.
EDIT: looks like I can stream to multimedia/kodi. And should I be considering other forms of input instead of using a PC tuner card directly?
multimedia/tvheadend, and found a page with screenshot:
Anyone have a nice setup going involving an OTA (Over The Air) HDTV tuner card, and have it streaming to remote devices? While web browsers are nice on the viewing, I would really be interested to read if anyone has this running where it it streams out via DLNA, or as a multimedia/plexmediaserver channel.
Any other ports I should be looking at? And please tell me what specific hardware you are using on the tuner. Thanks again.
EDIT: looks like I can stream to multimedia/kodi. And should I be considering other forms of input instead of using a PC tuner card directly?