Solved OpenSSL version appears differently from inside and outside of jail

After updating freebsd and jails to 13.0 release patch 4 I tried to verify everthing was up to date. However when checking the openssl version in my jail I noticed something strange.

Inside the jail openssl version produced the output:
OpenSSL 1.1.1k-freebsd  25 Mar 2021

But invoking version on the /usr/bin/openssl file of the jail from the outside gave:
OpenSSL 1.1.1k-freebsd  24 Aug 2021

Confused I ran ls -l on the file from inside and outside the jail, this showed the same output for both:
-r-xr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  653128 Aug 27 14:41

I am curious what could cause this and how to go about dealing with it.
Most likely freebsd version of the host and the jail is not the same.

After updating freebsd and jails to 13.0 release patch 4 I tried to verify everthing was up to date.

How did you verify host and jail release versions match?

But invoking version on the /usr/bin/openssl file of the jail from the outside gave:

Which command did you run?

Can you give "freebsd-version" command inside (just login to the jail console and give the command) and outside the jail (on the host system)

if you are running iocage you can also give "iocage list -l" command on the host to check jails release version

Seems like somehow your jail is running 13.0-RC3-p1/13.0-STABLE one release:

and your host is running 13.0-RELEASE-p4 another release:

Can you give "freebsd-version" command inside (just login to the jail console and give the command) and outside the jail (on the host system)
The output in both instances is

I didn't realize I had not mentioned that sooner, so I apologize. I just found it strange it claims that both jail and main system are on patch 4, while giving the varying openssl outputs I previously mentioned.
Just wanted to say that we fixed the version issue by doing the following in case anyone else runs into similar issues:
cp /lib/ /usr/jails/mroot/lib/

Where /usr/jails/mroot is a template created by following section 15.5 of the FreeBSD handbook