This very helpful message accompanied by a picture of a frowning monitor is what I get if I try to start GDM or after logging in with lightdm. I have tried with both Plasma and XFCE sessions. I think I've followed the instructions for installing Xorg and the desktops but I am forced to use the SCFB driver since my nvidia card is now too old for the proprietary drivers. There are no errors in
/var/logXorg.0.log. I hope this message, generated after X has started but on trying to launch programs within it, is sufficiently distinctive to indicate what is likely to be missing. If not it's going to be difficult to post details of files since I can't get a browser going on that machine in FreeBSD.
/var/logXorg.0.log. I hope this message, generated after X has started but on trying to launch programs within it, is sufficiently distinctive to indicate what is likely to be missing. If not it's going to be difficult to post details of files since I can't get a browser going on that machine in FreeBSD.