Nvidia 5080 Testing in FreeBSD


I was able to find myself a Nvidia 5080 series and wanted to see how it worked in FreeBSD, Nvidia has claimed to launch day1 drivers for it.

They have a beta drive found here:

I was able to compile and install the driver, and it does load using the kldload nvidia-modeset command.
I am able to log into a Plasma 6 X11 session. However, it runs very slow, to open an app from click it takes 20-30seconds to open.

I am wondering if other people have had issues like this in the past with other GPU launches, and if there are any tips and tricks here I could use to speed things up.

This is exciting. It's nice to have early support for the 5000 series. Hope your testing progresses well. I find the 5070 offering to be interesting pending driver tests of course. I try not invest in things unless they are tested and compatible. Will be keeping an eye on this thread for sure.