I'm a vim(1) guy. I have nothing to say about alternatives such as emacs(1), nano(1) or ee(1) simply because I've never used them. I started with vim and well over a decade later I'm still using vim.
Over the past few years, I've stumbled upon editors/neovim several times.
I'd like to inquire some personal opinions from you guys: Does or did anybody use neovim? If so, what is or was your experience with it? Is there any seasoned vim user that switched over to neovim (and stayed there)?
Looking at neovim's website I do get a bit of that "let's re-invent the wheel"-hype-train sensation that we see in a lot of places these days.
Are there any "serious" advantages of neovim over vim which would justify re-writing the same thing and for users to switch over to it? Or is this most likely just another temporary hype that will eventually go over and we'll be left with a "dead project" that was supposed to supersede something that existed for decades and then just dies slowly?
I understand that these questions are "hard to answer" and heavily opinion based. Just drop your five cents.
This thread will probably survive only survive slightly more than half a dozen posts before it turns into off-topic so I immediately posted this in the Off-Topic section.
Over the past few years, I've stumbled upon editors/neovim several times.
I'd like to inquire some personal opinions from you guys: Does or did anybody use neovim? If so, what is or was your experience with it? Is there any seasoned vim user that switched over to neovim (and stayed there)?
Looking at neovim's website I do get a bit of that "let's re-invent the wheel"-hype-train sensation that we see in a lot of places these days.
Are there any "serious" advantages of neovim over vim which would justify re-writing the same thing and for users to switch over to it? Or is this most likely just another temporary hype that will eventually go over and we'll be left with a "dead project" that was supposed to supersede something that existed for decades and then just dies slowly?
I understand that these questions are "hard to answer" and heavily opinion based. Just drop your five cents.
This thread will probably survive only survive slightly more than half a dozen posts before it turns into off-topic so I immediately posted this in the Off-Topic section.