I'm following a ncurses tutorial from here: https://www.viget.com/articles/game-programming-in-c-with-the-ncurses-library/
It shows how to make a simple bouncing character that goes left to right on the terminal window.
Here is the code, I modified it slightly:
Based on my code, I should get three newlines (blank lines), but terminal does not display it after I stop the program and scroll up.
These are the results displayed when I scroll up to the terminal after stopping the program:
As you can see, absolutely no newline is being displayed, between each iteration. I have tried null characters and it does not work either. For some reason, terminal discards newline or null characters.
How can I make terminal show the three blank new lines when I scroll upwards after stopping the program?
Using FreeBSD 13.1, clang compiler, headless, no desktop environment.
It shows how to make a simple bouncing character that goes left to right on the terminal window.
Here is the code, I modified it slightly:
#include <ncurses.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#define DELAY 30000
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int x = 0, y = 0;
int max_y = 0, max_x = 0;
int next_x = 0;
int direction = 1;
initscr(); // Initialize the window
noecho(); // Don't echo any keypresses
curs_set(TRUE); // Don't display a cursor
getmaxyx(stdscr, max_y, max_x); // Global var `stdscr` is created by the call to `initscr()`, get screen dimensions.
mvprintw(y, x, "o"); // Moving object
// Some basic info being displayed to know how the object is moving.
mvprintw(1,1, "direction: %d", direction);
mvprintw(2,1, "next_x: %d", next_x);
mvprintw(3,1, "x: %d", x);
mvprintw(4,1, "max_y: %d max_x: %d ", max_y, max_x);
mvprintw(5,1, "\n\n\n"); // <---- Here is the newline, not displayed on terminal.
next_x = x + direction;
if (next_x >= max_x || next_x < 0)
direction*= -1;
x+= direction;
Based on my code, I should get three newlines (blank lines), but terminal does not display it after I stop the program and scroll up.
These are the results displayed when I scroll up to the terminal after stopping the program:
direction: 1
next_x: 32
x: 32
max_y: 45 max_x: 162
direction: 1
next_x: 33
x: 33
max_y: 45 max_x: 162
direction: 1
next_x: 34
x: 34
max_y: 45 max_x: 162
direction: 1
next_x: 35
x: 35
max_y: 45 max_x: 162
direction: 1
next_x: 36
x: 36
max_y: 45 max_x: 162
direction: 1
next_x: 37
x: 37
max_y: 45 max_x: 162
direction: 1
next_x: 38
x: 38
max_y: 45 max_x: 162
direction: 1
next_x: 39
x: 39
max_y: 45 max_x: 162
direction: 1
next_x: 40
x: 40
max_y: 45 max_x: 162
As you can see, absolutely no newline is being displayed, between each iteration. I have tried null characters and it does not work either. For some reason, terminal discards newline or null characters.
How can I make terminal show the three blank new lines when I scroll upwards after stopping the program?
Using FreeBSD 13.1, clang compiler, headless, no desktop environment.