I make syntax highlighting in nginx.
I choose a yellow color.
After that, I look at the syntax highlight in nginx.conf and it appears more likely red / brown than yellow.
Who has the same problem?
On a Linux system, checked in nano yellow is displayed as yellow.
Linux system nano version 4.6
Screenshot attached to the topic.
I make syntax highlighting in nginx.
I choose a yellow color.
After that, I look at the syntax highlight in nginx.conf and it appears more likely red / brown than yellow.
Who has the same problem?
cat /usr/local/share/nano/nginx.nanorc
syntax "nginx" "nginx.*\.conf$" "\.nginx$"
comment "#"
## Comments:
color green "#.*"
color yellow "(server|http|events) \{"
color yellow "}"
color yellow "location (.+)\{$"
nano -V
GNU nano, version 4.9.2
uname -rms
FreeBSD 11.3-RELEASE-p9 amd64
On a Linux system, checked in nano yellow is displayed as yellow.
Linux system nano version 4.6
Screenshot attached to the topic.