I have set up an nfs share on my local home network as follows:
vipw - change my user to 1000 to match linux
vigr - change my group to 1000 to match linux
recursively chown the zfs mount point to my user and group
over on linux:
Things seem to be working just fine. I started a long running:
If that completes without issue, I will think about making the mount semipermanent via automount.
Does this seem reasonable and / or the freebsd way of doing the export? It's my house, behind a firewall, etc. I don't want it wide open, but I'm not terribly worried about somebody mounting it and messing with it. Any suggestions appreciated.
zfs list
prime/ark 12.8G 883G 12.8G /ark
vipw - change my user to 1000 to match linux
vigr - change my group to 1000 to match linux
recursively chown the zfs mount point to my user and group
vi /etc/rc.conf
vi /etc/exports
/ark -maproot=root
service nfsd start
service mountd reload
over on linux:
showmount -e remote
mount -t nfs remote:/ark /ark
ln -s /ark ~/0wa
Things seem to be working just fine. I started a long running:
rsync -a -P /original_ark/ ~/0wa
If that completes without issue, I will think about making the mount semipermanent via automount.
Does this seem reasonable and / or the freebsd way of doing the export? It's my house, behind a firewall, etc. I don't want it wide open, but I'm not terribly worried about somebody mounting it and messing with it. Any suggestions appreciated.