Solved lpd open(var/log/lpd_errors) No such file error

I get these messages reported by logcheck.
Jul 29 10:55:56 vhost01 lpd[27470]: lp: open(/var/log/lpd_errors): No such file or directory

There is no such file as is reported. There is a file /var/log/lpd-errs which contains these error messages. Which confuses me. lpd(8) is obviously able to write to an error file. Why is it looking for another error file with a different name?

I cannot locate where /var/log/lpd_errors is configured. Is it configurable? If so then where? /etc/syslog.d/lpr.conf is configured for /var/log/lpd-errs

Why cannot lpd(8), which runs as root, create this file if it uses it?