XCB (X-protocol C-language binding) was intended to fully replace Xlib for X11: so far, XCB has gradually replaced some parts of it. Its purpose was to be more efficient and to be easier to program. X11 is a protocol. Xlib and XCB are both API's and library sets.
Xlib (also called libX11) is too low level for most graphical programming needs, it: has features not commonly used, had lack of compile checks, and was complicated to program with. Simple programming tasks needed excessive coding in Xlib. Its purpose was also too wide range for both applications and toolkits.
XCB is in C: it uses C header files, and it requires knowledge of C programming. XCB's library is libxcb, and its header is xcb.h. To compile programs that use XCB, they must be linked to relevant XCB's libraries. xcb-proto only installs header files.
XCB is POSIX compliant. This API library is also thread-safe, and it has better error handling than Xlib.
Parts of Xlib were replaced by parts of XCB. Xtrans (X Transport Interface), a low level part of Xlib, was replaced with XCB. Also, Xlib can receive calls to XCB through a transport layer from X11. XCL was an emulation layer from XCB (as a proof of concept, which some parts which were kept for a newer library: updated explanation below) to receive instructions from Xlib outputs. Many programs originally written for Xlib, are partially implemented in XCB, and receive mixed instructions for these two libraries. Parts of XCB have been available within replaced parts of libX11 since 1.2.0 (this became default since 1.4.0). LibX11 version 1.7.2 is currently in ports, as of this writing.
Previously XCB used M4 based protocol description language. This was replaced with XML in 2004. XCB extensions are simplified, as all each one needs is an XML description.
There is a lack of documentation for XCB, but enough information on it can be found in X11 documentation and in the programming notes.
Ports tree applications
In the ports tree: x11-wm/mcwm and x11-wm/bspwm are window managers that are built on XCB. x11-wm/compiz is a compositor that is built on XCB. Other ones: x11-wm/chamfer, x11-wm/i3, x11-wm/i3-gaps, x11-wm/phoc, x11-wm/spectrwm, x11-wm/sway, x11-wm/wayfire and x11-wm/awesome.
x11/thingylaunch can be compiled with XCB instead of Xlib. x11/lemonbar is in XCB. x11/polybar is another bar, but it has more dependencies and options. Other programs in the ports tree that use XCB and not Xlib are few: x11/xtitle, x11/xlsatoms, x11/xcbautolock, x11/ly. Most other programs that use xcb, instead of xlib, rely on QT5 or Rust.
Xlib (also called libX11) is too low level for most graphical programming needs, it: has features not commonly used, had lack of compile checks, and was complicated to program with. Simple programming tasks needed excessive coding in Xlib. Its purpose was also too wide range for both applications and toolkits.
XCB is in C: it uses C header files, and it requires knowledge of C programming. XCB's library is libxcb, and its header is xcb.h. To compile programs that use XCB, they must be linked to relevant XCB's libraries. xcb-proto only installs header files.
XCB is POSIX compliant. This API library is also thread-safe, and it has better error handling than Xlib.
Parts of Xlib were replaced by parts of XCB. Xtrans (X Transport Interface), a low level part of Xlib, was replaced with XCB. Also, Xlib can receive calls to XCB through a transport layer from X11. XCL was an emulation layer from XCB (as a proof of concept, which some parts which were kept for a newer library: updated explanation below) to receive instructions from Xlib outputs. Many programs originally written for Xlib, are partially implemented in XCB, and receive mixed instructions for these two libraries. Parts of XCB have been available within replaced parts of libX11 since 1.2.0 (this became default since 1.4.0). LibX11 version 1.7.2 is currently in ports, as of this writing.
Previously XCB used M4 based protocol description language. This was replaced with XML in 2004. XCB extensions are simplified, as all each one needs is an XML description.
There is a lack of documentation for XCB, but enough information on it can be found in X11 documentation and in the programming notes.
Ports tree applications
In the ports tree: x11-wm/mcwm and x11-wm/bspwm are window managers that are built on XCB. x11-wm/compiz is a compositor that is built on XCB. Other ones: x11-wm/chamfer, x11-wm/i3, x11-wm/i3-gaps, x11-wm/phoc, x11-wm/spectrwm, x11-wm/sway, x11-wm/wayfire and x11-wm/awesome.
x11/thingylaunch can be compiled with XCB instead of Xlib. x11/lemonbar is in XCB. x11/polybar is another bar, but it has more dependencies and options. Other programs in the ports tree that use XCB and not Xlib are few: x11/xtitle, x11/xlsatoms, x11/xcbautolock, x11/ly. Most other programs that use xcb, instead of xlib, rely on QT5 or Rust.
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