Solved Kill me with _XServTransSocketUnixListener failed.

Cannot start a gui.
In fact I was years good just until now.
Performing xinit with openbox , I have a _XServTransSocketUnix Listener Failed.
& Totally no idea.
The log says server already running.
How to fix ?
extract a few tgz in a good place and hope everything will be good ?
Please tell me how to fix even if i loose all data. But I need a working X.
Have you done a pkg upgrade lately? Do you build ports by hand (make install)?

uname -a? Have you upgraded your O/S lately?

Have you rebooted to try to fix? It could be a transient problem due to some process not opening a socket properly or at all. A reboot might fix this. I've noticed my laptop's BIOS might miss a beat resulting in anomalous behaviour. It's worth a try.

Is this machine dual boot? My laptop is dual boot Windows 10 and FreeBSD. Windows reconfigures audio output that is best fixed by powering off the laptop and powering it back on into FreeBSD.

Just a few things to try.
Perhaps this post gives us a clue.

How many Xorg processes do you have running? /usr/libexec/Xorg already running when you try to startx again? Are you missing an & from the line that starts the Xserver and then blocking like the example in the stackoverflow post?
Maybe test with a new user with empty home directory. Then you know if it is a general problem or a borked configuration.
The real problem here is that /tmp/.X11-unix/X0 (a socket) exists. Simple to fix, just remove it manually after the server failed to start and also failed to clean up after itself earlier.