Is it possible to port bspwm-rounded-corners and picom with blur effects ?
Tried to compile bspwm-rounded-corners misses some dev libraries which I don't know if they are available on FreeBSD. Tried to search for them, on Ubuntu for example I can find the package for these libraries.
It would be cool if it was possible.
GitHub - omentic/bspwm-rounded-corners: A tiling window manager based on binary space partitioning, with support for rounded corners. Very buggy - it's highly recommended to use an external compositor like picom instead.
A tiling window manager based on binary space partitioning, with support for rounded corners. Very buggy - it's highly recommended to use an external compositor like picom instead. - omentic/bs...
GitHub - yshui/picom: A lightweight compositor for X11 with animation support
A lightweight compositor for X11 with animation support - yshui/picom
Tried to compile bspwm-rounded-corners misses some dev libraries which I don't know if they are available on FreeBSD. Tried to search for them, on Ubuntu for example I can find the package for these libraries.
It would be cool if it was possible.