Is it possible to port bspwm-rounded-corners and picom with blur effects ?

Is it possible to port bspwm-rounded-corners and picom with blur effects ?

Tried to compile bspwm-rounded-corners misses some dev libraries which I don't know if they are available on FreeBSD. Tried to search for them, on Ubuntu for example I can find the package for these libraries.
It would be cool if it was possible.

No idea about bspwm-rounded-corners.

If you want rounded corners and blur from the compositor, the picom version from pkg or /usr/ports/x11-wm/ is not enough.

You need jonaburg picom, and you need to build it from source.
It's doable on FreeBSD, you just need to set the right flags for meson, as it is explained on the github page :

LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/include" CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/include" meson --buildtype=release . build
doas ninja -C build install

Of course you have to install the required dependencies before, like uthash and... meson for instance.
If you manage to install it, the magic will come from the picom config file. Here is mine, that I stole somewhere on github.
I advise to disable experimental-backends.
Yes I know, I stopped when I couldn't find the package that provides some libraries but I will try again. I'm sure I can compile these from git.