Solved Is electron having build issues again? Signal messaging app missing from latest pkgs.

As the title asks.
Is Electron having compile issues again? I've noticed for the past few weeks that Signal is no longer in the repo.
If this is the case, is there an actual, portable Electron alternative that works 1:1? Like MariaDB is to MySQL (although that's just a MySQL comparable server, not an alternative due to portability reasons)?
I understand that it's based on node.js, V8, Chromium, etc...

I'm not programming savvy, just curious as I miss having Signal on my laptop and desktop; and where I could be more in tune with the on goings without necessarily having to make a post about it.

A somewhat off topic item: I would assume it should be a fairly similar process to get Session to compile as it's based off Signal?

Yes, Signal-desktop fails to build from ports in 2023Q4
As the title asks.
Is Electron having compile issues again? I've noticed for the past few weeks that Signal is no longer in the repo.
If this is the case, is there an actual, portable Electron alternative that works 1:1? Like MariaDB is to MySQL (although that's just a MySQL comparable server, not an alternative due to portability reasons)?
I understand that it's based on node.js, V8, Chromium, etc...

I'm not programming savvy, just curious as I miss having Signal on my laptop and desktop; and where I could be more in tune with the on goings without necessarily having to make a post about it.

A somewhat off topic item: I would assume it should be a fairly similar process to get Session to compile as it's based off Signal?

you can try to build it from ports , but it fails on 2023Q4 you might try latest
Probably because I gave not enough memory to the virtual machine:

[05:48:03] [07] [00:18:37] Finished lang/rust | rust-1.73.0: Failed: extract/runaway