installing neovim

Hello all...

I use to us freebsd for server builds around 20 years ago LOL, yeh I'm an old bugger :) These days I'm using fedora and macos and wanted to to give freebsd another whirl.

Anyway using 14-current I figured neovim would be be in packages?
pkg install neovim
However it appears not, even though I have seen docs that refer to installing like that.
Is there anyway of running it without building it from source?

Cant find much info on doing so.

I use to us freebsd for server builds around 20 years ago LOL, yeh I'm an old bugger :) These days I'm using fedora and macos and wanted to to give freebsd another whirl.

Anyway using 14-current I figured neovim would be be in packages?
Just curious: why would you want to track -CURRENT and try using packages (as in pkg install neovim); as opposed to:
using/compiling -CURRENT and compiling your own software, outside the base install, from ports?

Note that, since a few years (2015), the support—and development—model has made a big change: Supported FreeBSD releases
Just curious: why would you want to track -CURRENT and try using packages (as in pkg install neovim); as opposed to:
using/compiling -CURRENT and compiling your own software, outside the base install, from ports?

Note that, since a few years (2015), the support—and development—model has made a big change: Supported FreeBSD releases
Only reason is 13 release has no network support for parallels on m1 mac. I am playing around in there first before moving to metal.