Even on modern hardware UEFI is sometimes buggy, so it's possible FreeBSD won't boot in UEFI mode.
On the other hand, you have to get a bit familiar with BIOS/UEFI setting, selecting the right boot device and enable/disable CSM
according to the bootcode on your disk.
Note: every BIOS/UEFI is different. CSM has to be enabled and it has to control both types of boot devices, UEFI and legacy.
Phishfry said, your trying to boot EFI bootcode (shows from your photo) but that might be buggy on your laptop or
you not booting the right device. Check your
/etc/fstab file. It should contain a line like:
If it says ada
1p2, because you have two drives, that could be the cause, too. (but FreeBSD would boot into the Beasty menu before failing)
You have to either enable UEFI booting from the BIOS/UEFI or you simply can't boot in UEFI mode because it's buggy.
As a last resort, I'd try to install legacy bootcode and get rid of the
/EFI partition on your disk and see if then boots in legacy mode.
You said you have a SSD and a hard disk in that laptop, though only one drive shown up (~750GB size).
I simply assume now that this is your SSD where you wnat to run FreeBSD from.
(if you fiddled with your drives and
/dev/ada0p1 is not your SSD as on the photo you might screw up)
Ok, let's remove the EFI bootcode, install a legacy boot partition and a MBR.
Boot into the FreeBSD installer and select "live cd", login as root with no password and run the following commands.
# gpart delete -i1 ada0
# gpart add -t freebsd-boot -s 512K ada0
# gpart bootcode -b /boot/pmbr -p /boot/gptboot -i1 ada0
If you run
gpart show ada0
you'll see that you have a
/freebsd-boot partition and the
/EFI partition is gone.
Reboot and see... remember you may still have to switch to boot in legacy (CSM enabled) mode. Check your BIOS/UEFI settings.