Closed Installing and launching rxvt-unicode

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This thread it's because I want to use x11/rxvt-unicode as WM.
I was bothering to Trihexagonal with my questions. I'm really new in this: I only get successful installing and using i3-wm. ALL of the rest, I couldn't use them.
This time I don't want to throw the towel. I saw what I can do with this, and I really want to use it, because until now, I was only using: Mate, Gnome, Xfce, KDE, I3 (wm).
For example, Trihexagonal post this:
He passed me his .Xdefault, but even with that, I'm not able of launching it.
This thread it's because I want to use x11/rxvt-unicode as WM.

Making it short: x11/rxvt-unicode is not a WM but just a terminal emulator, one of the best ones but just that.

Clone of the terminal emulator rxvt modified to support Unicode

I advise you to stick with x11-wm/openbox or x11-wm/fluxbox (the WM in use on that screenshot), or x11-wm/i3 (tiling WM) for starters.

They are among the most used WMs and so have a lot of info/guides around the web. You should find good information at the Arch Linux WIKI about them.
I was bothering to Trihexagonal with my questions. I'm really new in this:

Patience is one virtue I possess. ;) You weren't bothering me and I detailed it out for you in PM.

You are making it much harder for yourself than it is, or needs to be. If you follow the steps in my tutorial you should be able to set up a basic Fluxbox desktop and I'll still answer any questions you have.

But once you do I recommend you know when to leave well enough alone till you learn a little more about how things work.

The FreeBSD Handbook

All the usr/home/username/.Xdefaults file has to do is be present when you launch x11/rxvt-unicode from the x11-wm/fluxbox desktop. And it will run without it, just not with your variables like transparency.

I've written Task Analysis step-by-step instructions for such mundane things as making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, so no, you weren't bothering me. :)
All the usr/home/username/.Xdefaults file has to do is be present when you launch x11/rxvt-unicode from the x11-wm/fluxbox desktop. And it will run without it, just not with your variables like transparency.

.Xdefaults it's obsolete, Xresources is the way to go.

For example, Trihexagonal post this:
He passed me his .Xdefault, but even with that, I'm not able of launching it.

urxvt ( x11/rxvt-unicode) should start without the Xdefaults/Xresources so if it does not start it's problem with the package not with the config file (Xresources). Can You start it from xterm or dmenu?! Just type urxvt in xterm/dmenu and see what it prints/open.
Trihexagonal I try to be the more clear that I can: I'm getting sick of being "redirectioned" to the handbook. I'm going to speak about the first section of the handbook: the first 2 chapters I did it without knowing that exists something that describes how to do it. The 3, 4, and 5, I have a concept of what they treat. The rest, well, they can be useful if I don't know how to do something, so thanks.
The second section, well, more of the same: probably I read they in the future, maybe not. And so on until the chapter III, where comes the interesting thing (yes, I can speak with rimes with no problem, should I sing rap or hip-hop?)
I thing I'll read the 27 of the 4th chapter, because it seems about mail, and I know that here are a mail service (but you didn't know it about me ;))
Trihexagonal I try to be the more clear that I can: I'm getting sick of being "redirectioned" to the handbook. I'm going to speak about the first section of the handbook: the first 2 chapters I did it without knowing that exists something that describes how to do it. The 3, 4, and 5, I have a concept of what they treat. The rest, well, they can be useful if I don't know how to do something, so thanks.
The second section, well, more of the same: probably I read they in the future, maybe not. And so on until the chapter III, where comes the interesting thing (yes, I can speak with rimes with no problem, should I sing rap or hip-hop?)
I thing I'll read the 27 of the 4th chapter, because it seems about mail, and I know that here are a mail service (but you didn't know it about me ;))

Suit yourself. The FreeBSD Handbook is there for a reason. Whether or not you choose to read it is up to you.

I outlined every step in setting up a Fluxbox desktop for you in a previous thread:

I addition to answering any and all of your questions about how to do so in PM,.

There is also a tutorial you could have followed to set up a Fluxbox desktop:

My instructions are quite clear.

This thread it's because I want to use x11/rxvt-unicode as WM..

It's not my fault if you were trying to use x11/rxvt-unicode as a Window Manager.

While patience is a virtue I possess in abundance, tolerance for impertinence and an ungrateful attitude are traits i do not. Do not PM me again.
.Xdefaults it's obsolete, Xresources is the way to go.
There is no big difference what to use, if you've added
xrdb -merge ~/.Xdefaults
to your WM startup script.

And "installing and launching rxvt-unicode" should be as easy as
# pkg ins rxvt-unicode urxvt-perls
% urxvt&
Also it is possible to add some urxvt configuration options to ~/.Xdefaults or to ~/.Xresources,
here is mine, for example:
! URxvt ------------------------------------------------
!URxvt.termName:                        rxvt-256color
URxvt.loginShell:                       false
URxvt.font:                             xft:DejaVu\ Sans\ Mono:size=9
URxvt.depth:                            32
URxvt.background:                       [85]#0D0D0D
URxvt.foreground:                       #ffffff
URxvt.borderColor:                      [85]#0D0D0D
URxvt.cursorBlink:                      false
URxvt.cursorUnderline:                  false
URxvt.visualBell:                       true
URxvt.geometry:                         82x23
URxvt.saveLines:                        15000
URxvt.internalBorder:                   2
URxvt.fading:                           25
URxvt.letterSpace:                      -2
URxvt.cutchars:                         '"'()<>[]{}|=,;:&?*@^«»"'"
URxvt.tripleclickwords:                 false
URxvt.skipBuiltinGlyphs:                false
URxvt.scrollTtyOutput:                  false
URxvt.jumpScroll:                       true
URxvt.scrollTtyKeypress:                true
URxvt.scrollWithBuffer:                 true
URxvt.scrollBar:                        true
URxvt.scrollBar_right:                  true
URxvt.scrollBar_floating:               false
URxvt.scrollstyle:                      next
URxvt.scrollColor:                      #ADADAD
URxvt.perl-ext-common:                  eval,selection-popup,option-popup
! map ctrl+shift+c/ctrl+shift+v to copy/paste
URxvt.keysym.Shift-Control-V:           eval:paste_clipboard
URxvt.keysym.Shift-Control-C:           eval:selection_to_clipboard
! emulate some XTerm key sequences
URxvt.keysym.Home:                      \033[H
URxvt.keysym.End:                       \033[F
URxvt.keysym.M-Delete:                  \033[3;3~
URxvt.keysym.M-Up:                      \033[1;3A
URxvt.keysym.M-Down:                    \033[1;3B
URxvt.keysym.M-Left:                    \033[1;3D
URxvt.keysym.M-Right:                   \033[1;3C
URxvt.keysym.C-Up:                      \033[1;5A
URxvt.keysym.C-Down:                    \033[1;5B
URxvt.keysym.C-Left:                    \033[1;5D
URxvt.keysym.C-Right:                   \033[1;5C
URxvt.keysym.S-Up:                      \033[1;2A
URxvt.keysym.S-Down:                    \033[1;2B
URxvt.keysym.S-Left:                    \033[1;2D
URxvt.keysym.S-Right:                   \033[1;2C
URxvt.keysym.C-S-Up:                    \033[1;6A
URxvt.keysym.C-S-Down:                  \033[1;6B
URxvt.keysym.C-S-Left:                  \033[1;6D
URxvt.keysym.C-S-Right:                 \033[1;6C
URxvt.keysym.S-M-Up:                    \033[1;4A
URxvt.keysym.S-M-Down:                  \033[1;4B
URxvt.keysym.S-M-Left:                  \033[1;4D
URxvt.keysym.S-M-Right:                 \033[1;4C
URxvt.keysym.C-M-Up:                    \033[1;7A
URxvt.keysym.C-M-Down:                  \033[1;7B
URxvt.keysym.C-M-Left:                  \033[1;7D
URxvt.keysym.C-M-Right:                 \033[1;7C
Also don't forget to add xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources to your WM startup.
To read more about urxvt and its options, execute % man urxvt.
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Trihexagonal I don't know if make apologizes, or offend you.
What do wait when you don't know how to do something, and everyone that can helps you, sends you to the same?
Okey, I can read the handbook from the start to the end. What else? I said that I want to learn, right? I can learn some things from the handbook, but once I read it, what could I do?
Nevermind, if you don't want to that I send you more private messages, it's okay. Also, there's a function here, that says: "ignore". Feel free to use it if you want.
I can be whatever you think, but I don't need that someone tell me like if I where in a church and say me that I need to read the bible. The bible if fine for believers, but I will ask you something: you can read it from the begining to the end? Or, in the another hand, you'll read what you need and leave the rest for when you need it? Because that it's what I'm thinking to do.
I won't blame you, nor make apologizes, nor send yourself to f***. I understand the message, if you want, you can speak to the mods and report me. I need the system, not your help. If you want to continue helping me, I will appreciate it. But if you don't, take in mind that I understand why.
What I said it's the pure true: how do you think that I installed this? I only go to the page where everyone can download the isos, I downloaded it and burned on a CD. The headache came when I didn't have the idea that the version 10.3 has came to its EOL and I MUST use 11.1. The rest, was reading, experimenting, installing, uninstalling, suffering and fighting to use this. Do you think that I knew that there were a guide about it? Do you think that I used this forums asking for help? Exactly the same I can do, and I think I WILL DO: LEARN BY MYSELF AND DON'T BOTHER YOU AND NO ONE ELSE.
ILUXA I can add those lines to such file? Then I can start with
I need the system, not your help.

That's your modus operandi. People try to help you, you get frustrated and lash out. Whether in English or Spanish, like to Snake:

Do you know why I left the forum? Beyond that I am useless in these things, because I do not dedicate myself to this, this is more of a hobby, it is that I felt that in your telegram group they despised me and treated me as ignorant. Here they treat me as ignorant but they do not despise me. Rest assured that I will not return to be treated like that;) Aradnix knows a little. He sent me some messages, we talked for a while. Ask him. I will be an ignorant, but not an idiot. I realized when I did not fit into a group, and I got out of them. I do not need you.

You've also done it here to other members recently.

Do you think that I knew that there were a guide about it?

Yes, or you should have. I told you it was posted on my site where I had some Fluxbox styles you could use and pointed you to my profile for the link. There is also a search function on the forums. Instead, you ask questions without doing your own research.

The headache came when I didn't have the idea that the version 10.3 has came to its EOL and I MUST use 11.1.

The Support Lifecycle link is right below the download links. Who's fault is that?


Good for you! That's how I learned. And since by your own admission you "don't dedicate yourself to this, this more of a hobby", after you've burnt everybody else out from helping you who is serious about it, that will your only option.

Or to leave the forums, like you did the Telegram Group.
Trihexagonal My "modus operandi" it's read and use it by myself. I repeat: sorry for bother you.
Sorry, but even that you have mentioned that, I can't get out of here. What happened between Snake in his group, you better shouldn't speak about it, because you haven't the remotely idea of what I passed there. So, try to don't speak about things that you haven't the f*** idea. And if you have it, you should know why I leave his group. Here and there I found the same: people that told me like they were my teachers that I must read the handbook and that I don't know anything.
And no, I only downloaded and burned the .ISO in a DVD. Then I installed the system. I never read the handbook in that time, neither know that something like that could help me.
Yes, this is a "hobbie" right now. In a future I will enter to study the career of electronic-informatic. Then go to others careers. Like biology, genetic, perhaps engineer of systems (artificials, naturals, and maybe another kind). I don't think that I will get "burned" the people, because I am learning. Ask to sensutch or snake how old I am. I'm not 26, but you don't know that ;)
For your information, I will tell you 2 things: I'm 20 years old, and today I'm studying electro-mechanic, not informatic or alike.
Or to leave the forums, like you did the Telegram Group.
Do you think that I'm a coward or so sensible (or so idiot) that I will get affected by your disgusting suggestion? No. I am going to stay here. Sorry if you don't like it: deal with that.
Good for you! That's how I learned.
Don't blame on me nor the others because of the way that you learned. We're not guilty for that.
I will opt for ignore you, because I think that it could be the better for both. Are you okay with that?
If you or whoever don't like my presence here in the forums, sorry. I will stay here as I stayed despite of the fails and re-installations of this system. I'm not an expert. I'm not looking for discussions. I will make you apologizes, if you haven't offended me writing that I have a "modus operandi" like if I get a mental disorder like psychopathy or some. You don't deserve any apologizes.
Thanks for your help, but for a teacher, I have the school or the career. Besides, if they treat me like an idiot, I can do and I do something about that.
Good bye and have a good life.
I will make you apologizes, if you haven't offended me writing that I have a "modus operandi" like if I get a mental disorder like psychopathy or some.

it's my modus operandi. My real area of expertise is in the Mental Health field.

Behavior Management and Behavior Modification are the most finely honed tools in my skillset and I've been using them all along.
it's my modus operandi. My real area of expertise is in the Mental Health field.

Behavior Management and Behavior Modification are the most finely honed tools in my skillset and I've been using them all along.

Are you okay if I show your response to my psychologist?
I mean, why you should have troubles if you really treat with mental health?
Firstly, I respond you that I'm getting tired of the people that sends me to read the handbook, which isn't a bad read, even when it is actualized. Then you bumped and suddenly said that you have virtues but that you won't admit impertinence and ungrateful. You read what you wrote right?
Are you a psychologist or a psychiatric?
You are expected to do your own homework. We expect you to do some investigating on your own. We expect you to read the manual (RTFM!). We do not do hand-holding here. A lot of your questions can be answered simply by reading the handbook. And yes, we will keep pointing to it.

Get this thread back on topic or it will be closed.
You are expected to do your own homework. We expect you to do some investigating on your own. We expect you to read the manual (RTFM!). We do not do hand-holding here. A lot of your questions can be answered simply by reading the handbook. And yes, we will keep pointing to it.

Get this thread back on topic or it will be closed.
Close it. Why he is telling me that he dedicates to mental health? You hadn't saw it, right? Okay, I read the handbook.
What's next? This man will psychoanalyze me or what?
Do you think that I'm mad? Do you think I'm a hacker that will attack someone? Why the fuck everyone's only telling me that I should read the fucking handbook and nobody read this guy that is treating me like if I have a mental disorder?
You know what? As I said you by private, I'll give whatever will needed with a court order in the middle
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