Incompatible qt libraries

I've been working, off and on, on building and attempting to update an old package (sysadm) that used an old version of qt. After building and installing it I get the following error with newer applications that use qt:

Cannot mix incompatible Qt library (5.15.8) with this library (5.15.7)
fish: Job 1, 'telegram-desktop' terminated by signal SIGABRT (Abort)

I've attempted to update packages with no results. I've updated qt5 from ports to see if that would fix the issue.

Any suggestions on how to fix this or is there something I'm missing?
I've been working, off and on, on building and attempting to update an old package (sysadm) that used an old version of qt. After building and installing it I get the following error with newer applications that use qt
I don't think it's related, if I understand the "old version of qt" correctly, that is really old version, something pre-5.x.

What version of qt 5.x is installed? Was it upgraded recently? Did you rebuild the ports that link against qt 5.x?

P.S. 5.15.7 being incompatible with 5.15.8 is really weird, knowing nothing about qt, do they break ABI on sub-minor updates?
Honestly, I've never worked with qt5 for development before this. So it's a bit of a mystery to me. I started reading the documentation but I also figured I would install sysadm and see what does and doesn't work then go from there.

I've rebuilt ports for qt and attempted upgrading packages.

Here's all I get from pkg info on qt. I apologize for the long post.

gpgme-qt5-1.18.0               Gpgme Qt5 bindings
libaccounts-qt5-1.16_4         Qt5 wrapper for SSO framework
libdbusmenu-qt5- Qt5 implementation of the DBusMenu protocol
phonon-qt5-4.11.1              KDE multimedia framework
pinentry-qt5-1.2.1             Qt 5 version of the GnuPG password dialog
poppler-qt5-23.03.0            Qt 5 bindings to poppler
py39-qt5-sip-12.11.1_1         Python to C and C++ bindings generator
qca-qt5-2.3.5                  Cross-platform crypto API for Qt 5
qt5-5.15.8_4                   Cross-platform application and UI framework (metaport)
qt5-3d-5.15.8p0                Qt3D module (KDE patched)
qt5-assistant-5.15.8p1         Qt 5 documentation browser (KDE patched)
qt5-buildtools-5.15.8p157      Qt build tools (KDE patched)
qt5-charts-5.15.8p0            Qt 5 charts module (KDE patched)
qt5-concurrent-5.15.8p157      Qt multi-threading module (KDE patched)
qt5-connectivity-5.15.8p5      Qt connectivity (Bluetooth/NFC) module (KDE patched)
qt5-core-5.15.8p157            Qt core non-graphical module (KDE patched)
qt5-datavis3d-5.15.8p0         Qt 5 3D data visualization module (KDE patched)
qt5-dbus-5.15.8p157            Qt D-Bus inter-process communication module (KDE patched)
qt5-declarative-5.15.8p21      Qt declarative framework for dynamic user interfaces (KDE patched)
qt5-declarative-test-5.15.8p21 Qt declarative framework for dynamic user interface (testing) (KDE patched)
qt5-designer-5.15.8p1          Qt 5 graphical user interface designer (KDE patched)
qt5-doc-5.12.2                 Qt 5 documentation
qt5-examples-5.15.8            Qt 5 examples sourcecode
qt5-gamepad-5.15.8p0           Qt 5 Gamepad Module (KDE patched)
qt5-graphicaleffects-5.15.8p0  Qt Quick graphical effects (KDE patched)
qt5-gui-5.15.8p157             Qt graphical user interface module (KDE patched)
qt5-help-5.15.8p1              Qt online help integration module (KDE patched)
qt5-imageformats-5.15.8p6      Qt plugins for additional image formats (KDE patched)
qt5-l10n-5.15.8p0              Qt localized messages (KDE patched)
qt5-linguist-5.15.8p1          Qt 5 translation tool (KDE patched)
qt5-linguisttools-5.15.8p1     Qt localization tools (KDE patched)
qt5-location-5.15.8p3          Qt location module (KDE patched)
qt5-multimedia-5.15.8p1        Qt audio, video, radio and camera support module (KDE patched)
qt5-network-5.15.8p157         Qt network module (KDE patched)
qt5-networkauth-5.15.8p0       Qt network auth module (KDE patched)
qt5-opengl-5.15.8p157          Qt 5-compatible OpenGL support module (KDE patched)
qt5-pixeltool-5.15.8p1         Qt 5 screen magnifier (KDE patched)
qt5-printsupport-5.15.8p157    Qt print support module (KDE patched)
qt5-qdbus-5.15.8p1             Qt command-line interface to D-Bus (KDE patched)
qt5-qdbusviewer-5.15.8p1       Qt 5 graphical interface to D-Bus (KDE patched)
qt5-qdoc-5.15.8p1              Qt documentation generator (KDE patched)
qt5-qdoc-data-5.15.8           QDoc configuration files
qt5-qev-5.15.8p1               Qt QWidget events introspection tool (KDE patched)
qt5-qmake-5.15.8p157           Qt Makefile generator (KDE patched)
qt5-qtdiag-5.15.8p1            Tool for reporting diagnostic information about Qt and its environment (KDE patched)
qt5-qtpaths-5.15.8p1           Command line client to QStandardPaths (KDE patched)
qt5-qtplugininfo-5.15.8p1      Qt5 plugin metadata dumper (KDE patched)
qt5-quick3d-5.15.8p1           Set of controls for building complete interfaces in Qt Quick3D (KDE patched)
qt5-quickcontrols-5.15.8p0     Set of controls for building complete interfaces in Qt Quick (KDE patched)
qt5-quickcontrols2-5.15.8p7    Set of controls for building complete interfaces in Qt Quick (KDE patched)
qt5-quicktimeline-5.15.8p0     Set of controls for building complete interfaces in Qt Quick Timeline (KDE patched)
qt5-remoteobjects-5.15.8p0     Qt5 Remote Objects module (KDE patched)
qt5-script-5.15.11p0           Qt 4-compatible scripting module (KDE patched)
qt5-scripttools-5.15.11p0      Qt Script additional components (KDE patched)
qt5-scxml-5.15.8p0             Qt5 SCXML module (KDE patched)
qt5-sensors-5.15.8p0           Qt sensors module (KDE patched)
qt5-serialbus-5.15.8p0         Qt functions to access industrial bus systems (KDE patched)
qt5-serialport-5.15.8p0        Qt functions to access serial ports (KDE patched)
qt5-speech-5.15.8p1            Accessibilty features for Qt5 (KDE patched)
qt5-sql-5.15.8p157             Qt SQL database integration module (KDE patched)
qt5-sqldrivers-mysql-5.15.8p157 Qt MySQL database plugin (KDE patched)
qt5-sqldrivers-odbc-5.15.8p157 Qt Open Database Connectivity plugin (KDE patched)
qt5-sqldrivers-pgsql-5.15.8p157 Qt PostgreSQL database plugin (KDE patched)
qt5-sqldrivers-sqlite2-5.15.8p157 Qt SQLite 2 database plugin (KDE patched)
qt5-sqldrivers-sqlite3-5.15.8p157 Qt SQLite 3 database plugin (KDE patched)
qt5-sqldrivers-tds-5.15.8p157  Qt TDS Database Connectivity database plugin (KDE patched)
qt5-svg-5.15.8p8               Qt SVG support module (KDE patched)
qt5-testlib-5.15.8p157         Qt unit testing module (KDE patched)
qt5-uiplugin-5.15.8p1          Custom Qt widget plugin interface for Qt Designer (KDE patched)
qt5-uitools-5.15.8p1           Qt Designer UI forms support module (KDE patched)
qt5-virtualkeyboard-5.15.8p0   Qt 5 Virtual Keyboard Module (KDE patched)
qt5-wayland-5.15.8p57          Qt5 wrapper for Wayland (KDE patched)
qt5-webchannel-5.15.8p3        Qt 5 library for integration of C++/QML with HTML/js clients (KDE patched)
qt5-webengine-5.15.8           Qt 5 library to render web content
qt5-webglplugin-5.15.8p0       Qt QPA plugin for running an application via a browser using streamed WebGL commands (KDE patched)
qt5-webkit-5.212.0.a4_11       QtWebKit with a more modern WebKit code base
qt5-websockets-5.15.8p2        Qt implementation of WebSocket protocol (KDE patched)
qt5-websockets-qml-5.15.8p2    Qt implementation of WebSocket protocol (QML bindings) (KDE patched)
qt5-webview-5.15.8p0           Qt component for displaying web content (KDE patched)
qt5-widgets-5.15.8p157         Qt C++ widgets module (KDE patched)
qt5-x11extras-5.15.8p0         Qt platform-specific features for X11-based systems (KDE patched)
qt5-xml-5.15.8p157             Qt SAX and DOM implementations (KDE patched)
qt5-xmlpatterns-5.15.8p0       Qt support for XPath, XQuery, XSLT and XML Schema (KDE patched)
signon-qt5-8.60_1              D-Bus service performing user authentication
I believe this might be a python issue, not necessarily a QT thing. I believe telegram-desktop is a python application?

If so, you might have an issue with a python library that attempts to use an older QT library, which - given you have installed later versions - is mixing things. I remember having similar issues and resolving it by reinstalling+updating python libraries.
Ok, so I know it's been a while but I figured I'd give some new information. Had some personal things come up. Finally was able to get a new laptop as my old one ran into some major hardware issues. Did a completely fresh install and then attempted to install telegram. I believe telegram-desktop itself is the culprit. On a completely fresh system I installed telegram-desktop and it caused firefox, gimp and some other applications to be removed then started giving me the same issue when trying to open telegram-desktop.