Solved i3 High DPI

Hi there,
I hope that someone has solved the problem for using chrome under the 4K monitors, I have a Thinkpad P51 with 4K and I got the chrome tab address etc soo tiny I had made
xrandr --dpi 282
somethings has changed on the size fonts of i3status
Apart from that I have problems because I'm astigmatic and myopia impairment.
I will try,have you the idea how I can start the flag from dmenus

I'm not sure as I haven't used dmenu in a long time. I don't know if you can make custom entries. I do think you can enter the command manually as if it were a terminal. Otherwise, you can make a little script and put it in your $PATH so dmenu recognizes it.
The size of i3bar can be done by this:
bar { font pango: 20px} or bar { font pango: FontAwesome 12}, etc.
As for forced scaled start you can do that from i3 config: bindsym $mod+f exec firefox --force-device-scale-factor=1
Create a startup script, put it in dmenues $PATH.[EDIT] as tedbell already suggested.

Run i3-dmenu-desktop(1) instead of dmenu_run , create a .desktop file with the respective flag for chrome and place it in i.e. $HOME/.local/share/applications for logged in user.

Or alternatively install as i3-dmenu-desktop replacement x11/j4-dmenu-desktop , create .desktop file.
I've accomplished modifying the /use/local/bin/chrome where it says Exec blah blah and adding the
I've accomplished modifying the /use/local/bin/chrome ...

Have in mind that modified executable will be overwritten by the next package/port upgrade of chrome. Then you have to modify it again.

It would be more efficient creating a system wide or user specific startup script or .desktop file.