Solved I need help with how to move further

pls do read it completely and sorry for the wall of text. Lately I have been suffering with serious issues regarding choosing distro . I dont know how should I define my linux knowledge tho. I would say that Im sort of a hybrid newbie. I have tried every major distribution that exists. Thing is Im studying programming lately and aspire to become a dev and I do have some projects in my bucket list. I want to learn more about how an OS functions and relationship with machine architectures.
I started with ubuntu -> fedora kde spin ->Debian -> Opensuse tumbleweed -> endeavour OS -> fedora workstation. After this point I was always disappointed that Im not learning enough, so I jumped to freebsd. There I did really learned a lot, documentation was great but I couldnt get some things like bluetooth earphones or many ports werent stable . But my understanding was good of how a base system works and how things are configured using binary packages. At some point I wanted to use gentoo , but later jumping from freebsd I got to know compiling each and every time is not my cup of tea, tho I would like it sometimes for stripping of dependencies.

I liked the freebsd model a lot but it was not very ideal for laptop usage due to its extreme power consumption. At certain point I would like to get an understanding of underlying mechanisms of kernel and tweaking it too . I dont have issues with installation, I mean Im absolutely fine with non graphical installer. I called myself a noob as I do struggle sometimes with commands and with documentation I can beat it , else I get beaten .
Currently on NixOS , and I do like it a lot and it works great in my laptop inspiron 5430 1Tb storage and 16 Gb RAM. The issue I have with nixos is its unconventional due to its non-FHS compliance . So some of the things has workarounds that Im okay with but in future with other tools that I may need Im not sure how much issue it may create. pls do suggest me what to do should I get back to freebsd for its excellent documentation. In linux I feel package availability is not an issue as there is flatpak, snaps and distrobox, and the gift of nix package manager.Again I would really like to have waydroid . Im more interested in learning the UNIX way, is void suitable for me ? i mean is the doc great or something like alpine but I dont know how musl can create issues. I would like to get in touch with systemd or other init systems are absolutely fine tho. I do like the release model of void as it seems to do a better job in distrobox in my opinion . But again the immutable and declarative aspect of nixos has made me a bit skeptical towards Arch linux.

pls I would appreciate every drop of advice given to me . Earlier the issues I faced(due to maybe lack of knowledge) with freebsd was constant stuttering of kde with x windowing system , gnome worked better but frequent black screen. Not being able to run gnome or kde plasma with wayland, heavy battery consumption, could never get bluetooth working (I do possess only 1 earphone cant afford a new wireless one!), as well as issues with graphics due to maybe having a integrated graphics card. I would really appreciate any kind of advice from personal experience of users for desktop usage.
I would really appreciate any kind of advice from personal experience of users for desktop usage.
I would start with a good night's sleep, a walk in the fresh air outside (rather chilly right now, perfect) and a healthy breakfast. And no PUI*, that rarely works out. Or are you really serious?

* Posting Under the Influence
im just asking if anything similar anyone knows from their daily driving usage

Can't tell since I won't read your thing until you put in some paragraphs.

I mean you even say that you realize it's a wall of text, why don't you fix it? You expect us to fix your computer and you don't fix a single post?
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Can't tell since I won't read your thing until you put in some paragraphs.

I mean you even say that you realize it's a wall of text, why don't you fix it? You expect us to fix your computer and you don't fix a single post?
sorry to say but my hardware is not even supported in freebsd i guess, I asked particularly here as earlier I have seen discussions where lot of users tend to use an alternative OS, so I just thought of getting some input .
1) learn how to post smart questions - search for it
2) run whatever operating system your hardware support and you are comfortable with
3) get hardware that works with FreeBSD (this is harder than it sounds, but you can learn a lot from reading this forum. Yes - that is a lot of reading)
1) learn how to post smart questions - search for it
2) run whatever operating system your hardware support and you are comfortable with
3) get hardware that works with FreeBSD (this is harder than it sounds, but you can learn a lot from reading this forum. Yes - that is a lot of reading)
2nd point is the issue
For your laptop: install Windows 11. And work. Buy a used PC. Install 3 SSD drives there. Install FreeBSD with ZFS, study. You won't be able to work with FreeBSD. You are a typical maximalist consumer. You will still run into a dead end. You need a large number of tools, and glamorous ones at that. FreeBSD is not glamorous.
pls do read it completely and sorry for the wall of text. Lately I have been suffering with serious issues regarding choosing distro . I dont know how should I define my linux knowledge tho. I would say that Im sort of a hybrid newbie. I have tried every major distribution that exists. Thing is Im studying programming lately and aspire to become a dev and I do have some projects in my bucket list. I want to learn more about how an OS functions and relationship with machine architectures.
I started with ubuntu -> fedora kde spin ->Debian -> Opensuse tumbleweed -> endeavour OS -> fedora workstation. After this point I was always disappointed that Im not learning enough, so I jumped to freebsd. There I did really learned a lot, documentation was great but I couldnt get some things like bluetooth earphones or many ports werent stable . But my understanding was good of how a base system works and how things are configured using binary packages. At some point I wanted to use gentoo , but later jumping from freebsd I got to know compiling each and every time is not my cup of tea, tho I would like it sometimes for stripping of dependencies.

I liked the freebsd model a lot but it was not very ideal for laptop usage due to its extreme power consumption. At certain point I would like to get an understanding of underlying mechanisms of kernel and tweaking it too . I dont have issues with installation, I mean Im absolutely fine with non graphical installer. I called myself a noob as I do struggle sometimes with commands and with documentation I can beat it , else I get beaten .
Currently on NixOS , and I do like it a lot and it works great in my laptop inspiron 5430 1Tb storage and 16 Gb RAM. The issue I have with nixos is its unconventional due to its non-FHS compliance . So some of the things has workarounds that Im okay with but in future with other tools that I may need Im not sure how much issue it may create. pls do suggest me what to do should I get back to freebsd for its excellent documentation. In linux I feel package availability is not an issue as there is flatpak, snaps and distrobox, and the gift of nix package manager.Again I would really like to have waydroid . Im more interested in learning the UNIX way, is void suitable for me ? i mean is the doc great or something like alpine but I dont know how musl can create issues. I would like to get in touch with systemd or other init systems are absolutely fine tho. I do like the release model of void as it seems to do a better job in distrobox in my opinion . But again the immutable and declarative aspect of nixos has made me a bit skeptical towards Arch linux.

pls I would appreciate every drop of advice given to me . Earlier the issues I faced(due to maybe lack of knowledge) with freebsd was constant stuttering of kde with x windowing system , gnome worked better but frequent black screen. Not being able to run gnome or kde plasma with wayland, heavy battery consumption, could never get bluetooth working (I do possess only 1 earphone cant afford a new wireless one!), as well as issues with graphics due to maybe having a integrated graphics card. I would really appreciate any kind of advice from personal experience of users for desktop usage.
I use a variant of depth first search algorithm for decision making stratagies like this. Use this script to make objective decisions:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys

def menu(prompt, *opts):
    print("\n" + prompt)
    for i, opt in enumerate(opts, 1):
        print(f"{i}) {opt}")
    while True:
            c = int(input(f"Choice (1-{len(opts)}): "))
            if 1 <= c <= len(opts):
                return c
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            print("\nuser interrupt")
        except Exception:

class Node:
    def __init__(self, prompt, opts, children=None, action=None,
        self.prompt = prompt
        self.opts = opts
        self.children = children or []
        self.action = action
        self.state_set = state_set or {}

    def traverse(self, state):
        for k, v in self.state_set.items():
            state[k] = v
        if self.action:
            return self.action(state)
        choice = menu(self.prompt, *self.opts)
        return self.children[choice - 1].traverse(state)

class BSDSelector:
    OPTIONS = ["FreeBSD", "OpenBSD", "NetBSD", "DragonFlyBSD"]

    def select(self):
        idx = menu("Select BSD variant for learning:", *self.OPTIONS)
        return self.OPTIONS[idx - 1]

class LinuxSelector:
    CONV = ["Fedora Workstation", "Debian Stable", "Arch Linux"]
    MUSL = ["Alpine Linux", "Void"]

    def __init__(self, unconventional=False):
        self.unconventional = unconventional

    def select(self):
        if self.unconventional:
            opts = self.CONV + self.MUSL
            opts = self.CONV
        idx = menu("Select Linux distro for daily use:", *opts)
        return opts[idx - 1]

class UnconvSelector:
    OPTIONS = ["NixOS", "Illumos/SmartOS", "Void Linux",
               "Alpine Linux", "GuixSD"]

    def select(self):
        idx = menu("Select unconventional Unix-like:", *self.OPTIONS)
        return self.OPTIONS[idx - 1]

def act_bsd_and_linux(state):
    bsd = BSDSelector().select()
    linux = LinuxSelector(state.get("unconventional", False)).select()
    return f"Dual-Boot: {bsd} (learn) + {linux} (daily)"

def act_linux_only(state):
    linux = LinuxSelector(False).select()
    return linux

def act_unconv(state):
    return UnconvSelector().select()

def act_os_learning(state):
    state["unconventional"] = False
    return act_bsd_and_linux(state)

def build_tree():
    dual_boot = Node("Dual Boot for OS Learning?",
                     ["Yes", "No"],
        Node("", [], action=act_bsd_and_linux),
        Node("", [], action=act_linux_only)
    unconv_tol = Node("Unconventional Tolerance?", ["Yes", "No"],
        Node("", [], action=act_unconv,
             state_set={"unconventional": True}),
        Node("", [], action=act_linux_only,
             state_set={"unconventional": False})
    internals = Node("OS Internals Priority?", ["Yes", "No"],
                     children=[dual_boot, unconv_tol])
    root = Node("Goal?", ["Daily Use/Dev", "OS Learning"],
        Node("", [], action=act_os_learning)
    return root

if __name__ == '__main__':
    tree = build_tree()
    state = {}
    rec = tree.traverse(state)
    print("\nRecommendation:", rec)
I would like to get in touch with systemd or other init systems are absolutely fine tho.
systemd is a big problem that will blow up big time. If today it is just cool for many, convenient, glossy, then after some time, this joke will become unbearable pain. It is a needle with opium. That is why I do not recommend you the whole garbage of Linux distros with systemd. I have gone through rolling releases - if something breaks there, it is very difficult to scoop it out. In FreeBSD, if something breaks, you can figure it out in a short time and fix a lot yourself. FreeBSD is quite repairable today. Repair kit is this forum. Moreover, here there is often more useful and practical information than in a dry handbook. There is a base, and here, on the forum, there is a very high-quality mainstream. I have not seen anything like this in Linux.
For your laptop: install Windows 11.
Sorry USerID, but I find that a bit harsh to put it that way. The OP admitted to be a teenager (seldom some one is seen to admit something; it's a sign of a good, and strong character), and obviously she or he is at a kind of a bit confused state looking for orientation while at the moment only knowing is really interested in computers, seems willing to learn and get deeper, even a bit experienced, so see the downsides of different systems.
In my eyes his or her question could be summarized to, 'What's worth to dig deeper?'

My answer:
a) - as already pointed out in several ways, more or less obvious/friendly - Piisuke79, get more focused!
You already sees it. The difference between a teenager and an adult is, to give this kick yourself. While many adults also lack of this feature (but that's another story), to become an adult is what being a teenager is all about.

b) The hardware you have/need/want/afford you need to sort out yourself. Using a system like FreeBSD means the same as get deeper into computers: learning, which means homework. Lots of it.
Everybody here is really very helpful with your homework, but nobody is doing it for you.
Homework is the name of the game.

c) In my eyes you need to make a decision - it's not an ultimate one you need to stick to for the rest of your life; you may change it anytime you want again. Do you wish to do lots of homework on computers?
If you wish to use computer's applications with the least possible effort, just for to have fun (games, multimedia, websurfing, what have you) - which was absolutely right, you'd be adviced best with what USerID said: Stick to Windows, maybe Apple. (For school, university, and job it's highly probable you'll need Windows anyway; what means dual boot, second machine, or additional system on a stick [but I guess, you already knew that.])
But if you really want to get deeper into computers, learn something that's worth learning, which means work, I say FreeBSD was the best choice. You need to start with the basics, and learn what you additionally need, how to add it to your machine, how to configure it... above all you learn what you really need, and what crap is expendable (and there's lots of it!)
But be warned: A colorful flashy world of easy entertainment is not served effortless turn-key on the silver tablet, 'cause that's not its primary target. On the other side if you really willing to read a lot - The Handbook, man pages, documentation, browse this forums... you will really learn much about computers - about real computering, not how to use 'consumer toys.'

If you wish me to give you homework for the start:
- backup your existing system as far as you may need it again
- read the first 7 chapters of the official handbook.
- install FreeBSD (14.2-RELEASE, default partition scheme with freebsd-ufs [anything 'more fancy' may come with the next installation at the earliest - first things first!])
- decide yourself for a desktop environment (e.g. xfce), or in my eyes a most simple window manager for the start, get it running, install some apps
- think about how to backup your /home
Sorry USerID, but I find that a bit harsh to put it that way. The OP admitted to be a teenager (seldom some one is seen to admit something; it's a sign of a good, and strong character), and obviously she or he is at a kind of a bit confused state looking for orientation while at the moment only knowing is really interested in computers, seems willing to learn and get deeper, even a bit experienced, so see the downsides of different systems.
In my eyes his or her question could be summarized to, 'What's worth to dig deeper?'

My answer:
a) - as already pointed out in several ways, more or less obvious/friendly - Piisuke79, get more focused!
You already sees it. The difference between a teenager and an adult is, to give this kick yourself. While many adults also lack of this feature (but that's another story), to become an adult is what being a teenager is all about.

b) The hardware you have/need/want/afford you need to sort out yourself. Using a system like FreeBSD means the same as get deeper into computers: learning, which means homework. Lots of it.
Everybody here is really very helpful with your homework, but nobody is doing it for you.
Homework is the name of the game.

c) In my eyes you need to make a decision - it's not an ultimate one you need to stick to for the rest of your life; you may change it anytime you want again. Do you wish to do lots of homework on computers?
If you wish to use computer's applications with the least possible effort, just for to have fun (games, multimedia, websurfing, what have you) - which was absolutely right, you'd be adviced best with what USerID said: Stick to Windows, maybe Apple. (For school, university, and job it's highly probable you'll need Windows anyway; what means dual boot, second machine, or additional system on a stick [but I guess, you already knew that.])
But if you really want to get deeper into computers, learn something that's worth learning, which means learning, which means a bit work, I say FreeBSD was the best choice. You need to start with the basics, and learn what you additionally need, how to add it to your machine, how to configure it... above all you learn what you really need, and what crap is expendable (and there's lots of it!)
But be warned: A colorful flashy world of easy entertainment is not served effortless turn-key on the silver tablet, 'cause that's not its primary target. On the other side if you really willing to read a lot - The Handbook, man pages, documentation, browse this formus... you will really learn much about computers - about real computering, not how to use 'consumer toys.'

If you wish me to give you homework for the start:
- backup your existing system as far as you may need it again
- read the first 7 chapters of the official handbook.
- install FreeBSD, decide yourself for a desktop environment (e.g. xfce), or in my eyes a most simple window manager for the start, get it running, install some apps, and think about how to backup your /home
This is the correct answer
Do you know anybody in person that uses any UNIX/Linux?

Yes: talk(!) to them.

No: Bad luck. Look for such persons. Then talk(!) to them. Meanwhile don't tackle the hardest possible problem first in order to have solved all then. Go after low hanging fruits. I recommend to begin with. It's friendly and your hardware may likely work out of the box. Focus on what you want to get done and not the tools you may have heard are en vogue.

If you are really serious, spend half an hour reading into each of the 34 chapters of

You'll know a lot about computers afterwards.
The only way to learn is by doing. Install the M$ windows that came with the computer. Install Virtualbox or other. Install Linux & FreeBSD virtual systems. Read the amazing FreeBSD handbook & learn how to use FreeBSD. If you break it learn to fix it. Clone the system so you can start again.
I recommend to begin with.
Why? Why put people off FreeBSD? Why first lead people to a complete other path, adding more effort?

If one wants to become a 'hacker' - whatever this means - sooner or later you will have to face Linux anyway.
But I don't think Linux is a good start. Not just only for it's being more remote from Unix[philosophy](BSD is the reference, not Linux) as it seems (and sold), nor the not seldom snotty arrogance you may face if get to the wrong people/forums being above to do some proper documention (if any), but more for the mess Linux is, starting with 'what is Linux?'

I also started on Linux ~30y ago. It was no good start for some one who is really interested in computers, but yet not already well experienced.
Personally I experienced Linux (again, and again) as a chaotic mess of many started but unfinished, sometimes immature, not seldom broken, often incomprehendable but complicated heap being 'maintained' by an uncontrollable flock of anarchistic nerds - each seeing himself as the genius hacker, while anybody else is better going to another playground - almost aimlessly tinkering perfunctory with something just for to tinker perfunctory with something.

(Awaiting outraged shitstorm [Defending Linux aggressively within FreeBSD forums :-/])

peace out.
Let's be tough realists. If you now "screw" a person with buns to FreeBSD, as to a "friendly", "youth", "mainstream" platform, then he will lose this blind faith very quickly. There are a lot of topics here about how mature people went back to their Debian, because after another update, the sound disappeared again. And they don't care about the system, about the blobs, about the murky personalities in the Linux world, etc. If you are at an important presentation or conference and the sound has disappeared on your laptop, then fixing the sound 15 minutes before the speech is complete fucking. Either the projector cannot be screwed on, or the flash is not mounted, or the media is some other one. Oh, my laser pointer doesn't work, the fonts have slipped into Microsoft Teams, Cisco Webex, etc. Oh, there is no app, there is no sound, but the indicators twitch, and if there is, then a very quiet sound... I would never take a laptop with FreeBSD with me.
Let's be tough realists. If you now "screw" a person with buns to FreeBSD,
I thought I didn't try to 'screw some one with buns to FreeBSD' but was clear about it ain't a luna park.
But one cannot say just because some one is young she or he is interested in luna parks only - even if most kids are.
We don't know OP's real background, experience, interests, capabilities, and will.
At least he or she asked here.

As I sees it: Let some one decide for her- or himself. Be informative, and - I agree - realistic about it, but don't take the decision out of their hands. Don't underestimate unkown people just because of an estimated age.
We have >90y olds here, as we also have teenagers here.
That's a good thing!
If I learned one thing from open source it's, nothing matters - age, sex, education,... - only if you know computering.

Summerized I (also) said, 'if you're just looking for easy fun, better still stick with Windows for a while; if you are really ready to get into real computering, and really willing, sure, then why not give FreeBSD a shot?'
Why not?

Agreed, most here by principle said similar - some at least tried.
But it makes a huge difference if it comes like, 'for this you're just still too young (stupid). Go play somewhere else, kid!' - while that simply is an (unfair) assumption, a prejudice.
To aggrieve somebody is never a good idea; especially not if you're sitting within an open source project, which means you're always looking for people - newbies - to join. Maybe he or she in a couple of years becomes a new committer - who knows?
But if you put people off by the very start by principle all you gain is they leave with a bad memory.
That's not good.

The only point I really object to is to prefer Linux above FreeBSD for a start to get into computers.
By my experience you will not have the same, or even less learning effort with Linux, but the contrary; even with its colorful turn-key distris. At the latest when you start to dig under the turn-key surface the crap starts.
systemd was already mentioned.

Example: If you want to install a package under some Linux distri you actually have an installation tool, that handles the former installation tool, which handles the package manager, to whose database you first need to add the package...🤪 (Not to mention you need to learn there are several, different package managers, and which is for what distri, and how...)
You are not seriously going to recommend THAT to a computersnewbie to prefer as 'more easy' over FreeBSD's package manager, do you?

Example: In 30y I never got a single package built by source under Linux right away, ever.
The very first time I build a package by ports on FreeBSD I simply couldn't believed it: It simply ran through the very first time, just paused by the make file's requesters, and then the package was installed, and usable!
For me that was an eye opener: FreeBSD!
All I always got under any Linux (Red Hat, SuSE, Debian, Mint, Fedora, ubuntu, and sure two or three more I simply just don't remember anymore) I followed the 'written for idiots instructions' step by step, until errors, abort messages, and tons of references to packages missing, or mismatching version numbers - end of fool-proof documentation, welcome to the jungle.
Trying to follow those, and solve it only lead to even more 'error, aborted, missing..' - crap.🤪:rude:
Hours if not days of being (really) pissed. And if you finally get it even run, you pray no update may occur, which may happen the very next day, cause everything then may be broken again.

With FreeBSD I never had any (real) issues with/after updates; okay, the graphics driver since 14 wasn't that smooth, but else: freebsd-update... pkg... - voilá, works! (almost) no issues, at least none I messed up myself, e.g. by wildly mixing ports and packages - since FreeBSD 10something. Run Quarterly!
If you chose to run anything but RELEASE, versions officially declared as 'still under development, yet not released for production, use at your own risk' for whatever reasons, it's your business, but not a FreeBSD feature.
That seems to be another thing from Linux world: Always regardless immediatly install the highest version number available, no matter what.
I bet there are people would try to install from a blank image if '18' was written on as a simple place holder (And I bet there will be some nervously asking, '18?! I somewhere read in the forums there already is 18!! Where I get 18!?!?!!! 😨...'*facepalm*)

Okay, I admit, I'm no hacker.
I call myself a user - some one I sometimes feel some Linux 'hacker' had never thought of, somebody who actually really wants to use a computer - for something else but to fix broken things.

Plus the frustration of guessing, and trying instead of doing something systematically because of mismatching, not to say obsolete, noncomprehendable, not seldom completely missing documention, and if, seldom targeted to beginners, sometimes not even for users. Being arrogant laughed at when asking in a forum for help, how stupid you are not being born with the knowledge...
'Use the source, Luke' must be a Linux joke.
Plus anybody pointing that out, simply make the absolutely correct point that documentation is just as important as the software, while software without a proper documentation is almost worthless, makes himself again a target of how few he knows about real hackering, unworthy, simply not getting the genius, better play somewhere else.
(Personally I don't wonder why there are so many suffering, if not dead branches, and turnover within Linux world.)

Where is the lesson in that to recommend a young computer newbie to join that for a beginning?
What will some one learn but to also become another a*cough*? Where is the use in that?

I also agree with the hardware issues. But you face similar issues with Linux. And with Windows others.
One either picks hardware one wants to use, and chose the matching system, or picks the OS and look which hardware suits - there is no OS supporting all Hardware.
And everybody has to decide for himself where his priority lies: a certain piece of hardware, or the OS.
Compromises need to be done always. That's life.
I personally have FreeBSD on my laptop - as I have it exclusively on all my machines.
And also on my latop until 14 the WLAN wasn't supported, so what? I bought a USB dongle for 5€. Worx.
End of story.

Sorry for that long post.
Where is the lesson in that to recommend a young computer newbie to join that for a beginning?
What will some one learn but to also become another a*cough*? Where is the use in that?
I am not a popularizer of operating systems. I am not a fan of FreeBSD. I am a fan of separatism at the everyday level.
It's like sorting.
I will not go into detail on sorting, since it will be tiring not only for teenagers, but also for old farts like me.
Teenagers, no matter how it may sound to someone, live in their own ECOSYSTEM.
Modern teenagers - even more so. For them, these are new challenges in the form of AI platforms, blockchain, virtualization, etc.
They need to be on time. They cannot be late, and even more so get stuck in the wilds.
They need to have time to learn RUST, master modeling and understanding META-procedures in AI, crypto. Quantum computers will be coming soon.
The classical learning model may not live up to expectations.
That's what I mean.
I don't need much from my PC. That's why I chose FreeBSD.
If I worked for a corporation, I simply would NOT SURVIVE my job with FreeBSD.
There is an old thread about text formats, and PDF and how teachers torture students just because
the resume, term paper is not written according to the "proprietary standard".
It turns out that in order for your bosses and managers to understand you, you need to go through 7 circles of hell to put a "correctly formatted" document
on their desk.
So I'll see how this can be done using FREE and non-proprietary programs.
And there are not just a few of these "inconsistencies", but hundreds.
I'm just at that age that I can tell such a "correct" asshole to fuck off along with his PowerPoint and Microsoft formatting
with the harshest arguments.
And the student won't pass - he'll just break. And all this fuss with Libre, OpenSoft, free licenses will not work.
Cheaper - to break the law, install pirated Windows, Microsoft PowerPoint, pass the exam and forget.
Or you can get high, get drunk and just fly out of university.

They have no time to pick at C++ or Assembler, because in the modern world their employers will kick them and demand that they do the job at 500%.
Moreover, the employer will not wait for two days until the admin raises the server after an unsuccessful update.
I think that soon the employer will have 2 identical cells on the hosting, because after an unsuccessful update the employer will receive a reputational failure, downtime and loss of XXX dollars per hour.
Today - the world of money and only money.
Even volunteers, enthusiasts are looking for their profit.
Moreover, FreeBSD in the modern world is not the UNIX of the 60s, when there were not so many platforms, languages, protocols, standards, etc.
If someone was not a maximalist at 12-16 years old, then something in his life was wrong.
This is the norm of development. Hormonal shift, then very aggressive sperm toxicity.
This is nature. This is NORMAL development.
The author is developing normally: his throwing is a search in a dark closet of technologies. The dude is just struggling, looking for the ground under his feet,
but it goes away. Then he looks for another platform (most likely reliable, calm and strong, to fix his position).
Maybe this is an attempt to fixate on the level of "prove something to someone", or maybe, rather, the opposite, "fuck you all."
This is normal.
Therefore, my advice to teenagers: separate your affairs, do not be fanatics of one platform. Look at operating systems as a
garden, where YOU are the owner, and not carrot tops or stupid eggplants.
If pumpkins, potatoes or beans don't grow in your garden - fuck this platform.
Now moralists will come and say that I communicate with the younger generation at the level of swearing. :)
The same with FreeBSD: it's land, a garden. If you don't get a harvest, then look for another land - there you will find a gold mine for yourself.
If you don't plan to look for bugs, suffer and cry after the next update, if you are not interested in what a system call, "world assembly", shell, etc. are, then it is better not to immediately turn your already short life into eternal suffering.
FreeBSD, as I saw it, is a mountainous, harsh, stone land. It seems like beets and tomatoes are growing, but they are kind of small...