Hi everyone,
I'm trying to expand my root partition but can't do it, I tried gpart, I also tried deleting the swap partition and adding more space, here is the result :
I took a backup before adding more space.
I'm trying to expand my root partition but can't do it, I tried gpart, I also tried deleting the swap partition and adding more space, here is the result :
root@appserver:~ # gpart show
=> 63 83886017 ada0 MBR (40G)
63 1 - free - (512B)
64 81788928 1 freebsd [active] (39G)
81788992 2097088 - free - (1.0G)
=> 0 81788928 ada0s1 BSD (39G)
0 62914560 1 freebsd-ufs (30G)
62914560 18874368 2 freebsd-swap (9.0G)