Hello out there. I've been trying to connect my printer to hplip for the last month or so. I've read all the articles posted and still can't get my printer to hook up. When I run
And when I run HP device manager I get this error message:
So from there I went to my command line and type in
Ok, so next I configure /etc/rc.conf and set up cupsd and devfs system ruleset system (all with the underscore and " "). To tell you the truth I'm out of answers right now so is there anybody who has figured it out? (Oh by the way I'm running FreeBSD 10.2 amd64).
Thank you.
I get the followingprintout:
gen5.2: <HP> at usbus5
ulpt0: <HP Deskjet F4400 series, class 0/0, rev 2.00/1.00, addr 2> on usbus5
ulpt0: using bi-directional mode
No device found
ls -l /dev/ugen5.2
and got this:
lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 9 Mar 16 07:42 /dev/ugen5.2 -> usb/5.2.0
Thank you.