How to update port tree to 2024Q4

Newbie's question...

I followed the instructions in the handbook to install the ports tree (2024Q3) with git :

# git clone --depth 1 /usr/ports

How to update to 2024Q4 ?

The following doesn't work:

# git -C /usr/ports pull
Already up to date.
# git -C /usr/ports switch 2024Q4
fatal: invalid reference: 2024Q4
# git branch -r

Yes, git branch -r only shows origin/2024Q3...

It's certainly very simple, but I don't know git well enough to figure it out...
You have made a so-called "shallow" clone (--depth 1). There are ways to convert it to a "full" clone but it's easier to remove and do a new clone (but this time a "full" one).

Thank you very much SirDice , a git clone without --depth 1 solves the problem.

I imagine it would be good to indicate in the handbook that if the ports tree needs to be updated, it's recommended to clone without --depth 1 ?