Hi. I use window manager and start it through .xinitrc but when i close my window manager, i get back to ttyv0 i see a lot of logs related to Xorg and apps that run on that Xorg session. I don't want to see these messages, what should i do? I just read a little about gettytab(5) and made a greeting message on login prompt by writing someting to /etc/issue.
I attached screenshot of ttyv0
My .xinitrc is as follows and it is autostarted in login action.
I guess that it can be done on /etc/syslog.conf but i don't know what i should do, thanks in advance. I suspect that this log might be coming from started apps in .xinitrc, i am not sure.
# /etc/gettytab
:cb:ce:ck:lc:fd#1000:im=\r\n%s/%m (%h) (%t)\r\n\r\n:sp#1200:\
% cat /etc/issue
Welcome to computer of Yusuf!
I attached screenshot of ttyv0
My .xinitrc is as follows and it is autostarted in login action.
% cat .xinitrc
dwmbar &
dunst &
xrdb -load ~/.Xresources
feh --randomize --bg-fill ~/.wallpapers
picom &
redshift &
syncthing -no-browser &
keepassxc &
flameshot &
firefox &
signal-desktop --start-in-tray &
# telegram-desktop &
exec dbus-launch --exit-with-session --sh-syntax dwm
% cat .cshrc
alias x "xinit ~/.xinitrc > /dev/null"
if ( $tty == "ttyv0" && $uid == "1001" ) then
I guess that it can be done on /etc/syslog.conf but i don't know what i should do, thanks in advance. I suspect that this log might be coming from started apps in .xinitrc, i am not sure.