# freebsd-update upgrade -r 11.3-RELEASE
Looking up mirrors... 3 mirrors found.
Fetching metadata signature for 11.2-RELEASE from done.
Fetching metadata index... done.
Fetching 1 metadata patches. done.
Applying metadata patches... done.
Inspecting system... done.
The following components of FreeBSD seem to be installed:
kernel/generic src/src world/base world/doc world/lib32
The following components of FreeBSD do not seem to be installed:
kernel/generic-dbg world/base-dbg world/lib32-dbg
Does this look reasonable (y/n)? y
I did this recently and everything worked perfectly. My question is, how does it know I don't want those debug components to be installed?
I only ask because I have another system where it automatically builds them and I'd like it to stop. I sort of mindlessly said "y" when asked on that system, and it was already going, so I just let it flow. It worked fine as well, but I have limited resources on that machine, so it makes sense to leave out the unnecessary bits. Presumably, I could have just said "n" and it would have let me change things, but where are the options stored? I checked the expected config files and couldn't find the trick.
What am I missing?