Solved how to let VT(4) display chinese and input chinese ?

This has been asked before (Thread 57770). To display hanzi all you need to do is loading a font containing said characters → vidcontrol(1). ? Unfortunately the FreeBSD system is not shipped with any input method (yet). There is at least a proof of concept for an input method (Bopomofo).​
VT(4) has been support UTF-8 encoding, why this guy can' display chinese ? i have install NotoSerifCJKsc-Regular.otf in my /usr/local/share/fonts/noto/ folder. how can i load this font to VT(4) to display chinese. thanks.
A search on google found this font.
For input uim-fep in textproc/uim might work, but I don't know about input efficiency.
Not sure uim-fep works for Chinese. But when I tried at past, it worked for Japanese. Note that you cannot startx from within uim-fep.

And about font.
vt doesn't support TTF and/or OTF format. Just support the specific format of bitmap fonts. For example, Ed Maste's b16.fnt supports Japanese. Not sure it covers other CJK area, though. But I can read Japanese texts with, for example, misc/lv on vt console with b16.fnt.

Why bitmap font only?
Maybe because to work well with least-powered and memory-restricted single board computers. FreeBSD covers such a use-cases if the instruction set is supported. (There should be slow 64bit ARM / RISC-V boards with a few amount of memory, but cheap.)


  • 贡献者:HHJ
  • 阅读:2298
  • 类别:环境变量
  • 更新时间:2017-11-08 10:46:57
1. 下载控制台中文字体,点击下载

2. 复制字体到指定目录
cp wqy.fnt /usr/share/vt/fonts/
3. 进行系统设置
sysrc font8x16="wqy"
echo 'hw.vga.textmode=0' >> /boot/loader.conf
echo 'kern.vty=vt' >> /boot/loader.conf
4. 重启系统
5. 验证
敲入 date 命令验证中文显示

dear all :
if we only can display chinese in VT(4), can't input chinese , that is not good for me . i will still work in english , thanks for all help. close this issue. thanks.
communicate with all people with english is good , we can rise people's dream to Galaxy as fast as we want....