Hi there, this "how to" is mainly targeting new users that come from Linux and expect to simply install a package that has some Microsoft hints in its name, which it doesn't. As a matter of fact the port that installs standard Microsoft TTF fonts is called webfonts, and in order to use such fonts you need to install it and set up
This "how to" is based on this section of the handbook: https://docs.freebsd.org/en/books/handbook/x11/#x-fonts
1) Switch to root, install the package and update the font cache:
If the fonts are still unavailable:
1) Switch to root, create an entry for
2) Copy and paste the configuration below, then save it and close
3) Exit from
Log in again and there you are:
If you don't have a login manager simply restart your computer to make those changes actives and permanent.
properly (this is not required on Linux distributions anymore).This "how to" is based on this section of the handbook: https://docs.freebsd.org/en/books/handbook/x11/#x-fonts
1) Switch to root, install the package and update the font cache:
$ su -l
# pkg install webfonts
f# fc-cache -f
If the fonts are still unavailable:
1) Switch to root, create an entry for
$ su -l
# ee /usr/local/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/90-fonts.conf
2) Copy and paste the configuration below, then save it and close
Section "Files"
FontPath "/usr/local/share/fonts/webfonts/"
Section "Module"
Load "freetype"
3) Exit from
typing exit
; restart X.org
, for instance logging out from your LightDM
session.Log in again and there you are:
ls /usr/local/share/fonts/webfonts/
andalemo.ttf ariali.ttf cour.ttf fonts.dir georgiai.ttf timesbd.ttf trebucbd.ttf verdanab.ttf
arial.ttf ariblk.ttf courbd.ttf fonts.scale georgiaz.ttf timesbi.ttf trebucbi.ttf verdanai.ttf
arialbd.ttf comic.ttf courbi.ttf georgia.ttf impact.ttf timesi.ttf trebucit.ttf verdanaz.ttf
arialbi.ttf comicbd.ttf couri.ttf georgiab.ttf times.ttf trebuc.ttf verdana.ttf webdings.ttf
If you don't have a login manager simply restart your computer to make those changes actives and permanent.
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