How do I harden my sshd_config to allow only 1 user to be remotely logged in at any given time? (A non-admin/wheel and not-root user will login remotely, then upgrade (ie. "su -l admin) to admin/wheel, and then to root should be counted as the same user being logged in at any given time.)
I need more clarifications about MaxSessions and MaxStartups. Is MaxSessions a limitation to how many users can login remotely? What about MaxStartups - how does it affect how many people can login simultaneously? (I'm trying to understand these terms: "session", "multiplexing", "concurrent connections" in relation to my purpose as described above.)
I need more clarifications about MaxSessions and MaxStartups. Is MaxSessions a limitation to how many users can login remotely? What about MaxStartups - how does it affect how many people can login simultaneously? (I'm trying to understand these terms: "session", "multiplexing", "concurrent connections" in relation to my purpose as described above.)