Solved How to change vt console font size?

Make it persistent with allscreens_flags="-f terminus-b32" in /etc/rc.conf.
Thanks! I've completely missed this variable.
As I need japanese font, I have
if [ "vt" = `sysctl -n -q kern.vty` ] then keymap="jp.kbd" if [ -r /usr/share/vt/fonts/b16.fnt ] ; then vidcontrol -f /usr/share/vt/fonts/b16.fnt fi else keymap="jp.106.kbd" fi
in my /etc/rc.conf but it just sets font for ttyv0.
Changing vidcontrol line to use allscreens_flags= allow other vtys to use the same font as ttyv0.

An additional info:
In this case which terminus font is sufficient, you can put screen.font=16x32 in your /boot/loader.conf.
It would change font before kernel starts and all kernel messages before /etc/rc.conf is read would also changed.
Read man 5 loader.conf and /boot/fonts/INDEX.fonts for details.