oz42 Feb 8, 2017 #1 Hi, I just have dd'ed the amd64 ISO (11.0-RELEASE) to an USB stick, but it fails to boot in UEFI mode. How can I create an UEFI bootable USB stick? Olaf
Hi, I just have dd'ed the amd64 ISO (11.0-RELEASE) to an USB stick, but it fails to boot in UEFI mode. How can I create an UEFI bootable USB stick? Olaf
SirDice Administrator Staff member Administrator Moderator Feb 8, 2017 #2 There are specific images for USB sticks. You cannot burn the ISO to a stick, that's not going to work.
There are specific images for USB sticks. You cannot burn the ISO to a stick, that's not going to work.