gnome-control-center printer settings greyed out

Hello FreeBSD friends,

I'm trying to get a usable desktop now for professional work. I have had issues running CAD software in my former setup with a window manager, so I'm searching for a suitable desktop environment. KDE had some weird issues with cursor disappearance, which I couldn't solve, so I ended up trying GNOME. Everything seems fine so far (cursor is not disappearing, virtual desktop switching works, keyboard layout switching works), but this one issue with printers bugs me (I don't know, maybe the issue was present with KDE as well).

gnome-control-center is unable to control the settings of my printer. The buttons are all greyed out with "Some settings must be unlocked before they can be changed" error message.

Digging deeper I found out that when running from console, this happens:

i~> gnome-control-center

(gnome-control-center:95553): firmware-security-cc-panel-WARNING **: 19:52:32.301: Cannot get org.freedesktop.hostname1.Chassis: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.freedesktop.hostname1 was not provided by any .service files

(gnome-control-center:95553): printers-cc-panel-WARNING **: 19:52:32.308: Your system does not have the cups-pk-helper's policy "org.opensuse.cupspkhelper.mechanism.all-edit" installed. Please check your installation

I have no idea what that first error message means and googling is not helping much. The second message I tried to alleviate by installing cups-pk-helper package and by editing the file /usr/local/share/polkit-1/actions/org.opensuse.cupspkhelper.mechanism.policy and changing all instances of allow_any, allow_inactive and allow_active as follows:

this was according to this solved thread on linux mint forums.

But it didn't do anything, the error is still present and the printer's settings are still greyed out. Any ideas?

EDIT: There is no remote access to this machine and also I'm the only one person using it physically (and the printer as well), so a quick-and-dirty solution is perfectly acceptable for me. But I don't know where to even start, why does it complain about pkhelper not being installed when it actually is installed? Where does it look for it? What's happening?