Solved gkrellm on top in Xfce


Is there an easy method to keep the window on top? (I can't find an answer elsewhere.) A method that uses a GUI.

Here's the context menu of gkrellm:


I have it on top in KDE Plasma. Can't tell how to do it with Xfce.

Oh well, I thought you already tried it... ?
Anyway with wmctrl you can create a launcher and run any windows always on top, for instance I use it to open maximized Thunderbird always on the left monitor:

sh -c '/usr/bin/thunderbird & sleep 3 && wmctrl -r thunderbird -t 0 | wmctrl -r thunderbird -b add,maximized_vert,maximized_horz'
Yeah, Xfce is quite alien to me. (I normally use KDE Plasma, I decided to toy with something else in a virtual machine whilst updating stable/13 from source for something completely unrelated.)

OT, other things that I set aside (not GUI) before posting included:

hotkey for "always on top" / Desktop / Xfce Forums

Weird. Both shortcuts work, "sticky" and "always on top", , for Gkrellm or any other app, in FreeBSD and in a Void Linux Virtualbox machine.
Oh I see now ! Alt + F12 is always on top and Alt + F6 is sticky (visible on all workspaces).