GhostBSD 1.0 cd or dvd?


I Have 1 choice make my release of GhostBSD 1.0 beta a DVD or CD?
If i do a DVD i can put a lot of software on it but if I do a CD not to much i can do bot of maybe is the solution?

What you wont a DVD or CD?

I would add USB/Pendrive version, in today times its a must have.

As for CD/DVD I would opt for DVD.
vermaden said:

I would add USB/Pendrive version, in today times its a must have.

As for CD/DVD I would opt for DVD.

Yes this has got priority nowadays: make some image for USB drive.
But on thing I don't have experience to do this image. I gonna need help for doing that.
Most PEN/USB sticks have greater capacity then CDs nowdays. So I say DVD capacity is better. Maybe try to stay under ~4GB so that 4GB sticks can use the same image as the DVD.
If you could include full OOo (with java), fifth toe and other Gnome's extras I vote for DVD. Otherwise CD download consumes less bandwidth ;)
And please provide hashes.
CD iso more potential - could still burn on a DVD

ericturgeon said:
. . . What you wont a DVD or CD?

If the .iso is small enough to fit on a CD it will have more initial use, as it could be burned to CD or DVD -
While we were rescuing old computers with Fedora 11 Live, there were a couple that couldn't boot from
the F11-Live.iso file on a DVD (yes it was a DVD drive, but drivers?)
yet could boot just fine from that very same F11 Live.iso file when burned on a CD.
GhostBSD CD iso available yet?

When will GhostBSD actually be available for free download or by torrent.iso ?

Are there any non-beta "live" versions of FreeBSD to try instead ?

Thanks . . .

but I have been at that link previously and get to downloads page link ok - without or with "registration".

But while it looks promising, the GhostBSD iso is NOT a reality just yet.
No download is there that I can tell - links just circle around.

And even the beta at . . .

But it is not an .iso file - I don't see anything bootable coming out of that download.

As a comparison, a freeBSD 8.0-Release-dvd1.iso boots up, but looks like it only will do an install - and not run as a live version.