Hi, I'm a new member in the FreeBSD community. First, I apologize for the English of this post thread, I am Spanish XD.
I have already used FreeBSD with SLiM and GDM for GNOME and Enlightenment desktop. But now I need a lighter display manager and desktop envoirement, that's why I opted for LightDM and LXDE. With LXDE I don't have problems. But after having installed LightDM and LightDM GTK Greeter, after restarting and having configured .xinitrc and having set lightdm_enable="YES", LightDM does not start and starting it from the "lightdm" command returns this error:
I search this problem in Google and in DuckDuckGO but I don't find the solution. I don't know if it is related to the error. But the configuration file "Lightdm.conf" only has comments. Should I set something?
Thank you very much in advance.
I have already used FreeBSD with SLiM and GDM for GNOME and Enlightenment desktop. But now I need a lighter display manager and desktop envoirement, that's why I opted for LightDM and LXDE. With LXDE I don't have problems. But after having installed LightDM and LightDM GTK Greeter, after restarting and having configured .xinitrc and having set lightdm_enable="YES", LightDM does not start and starting it from the "lightdm" command returns this error:
** (lightdm:963): WARNING **:18:03:12.218: Failed to get list of logind seats: GDbus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.freedesktop.login1 was not provided by any .service files
I search this problem in Google and in DuckDuckGO but I don't find the solution. I don't know if it is related to the error. But the configuration file "Lightdm.conf" only has comments. Should I set something?
Thank you very much in advance.