After setting up FreeBSD 10.1 doing a bit of houskeeping ready to install fehcom's latest iteration of s/qmail. He follows the DJB packages methods
Very first compile errors out and I simply haven't a clue. Packages include :
gcc-ecj-4.5 Eclipse Java Compiler used to build GCC Java
gcc47-4.7.4_1,1 GNU Compiler Collection 4.7
gettext- GNU gettext package
gmake-4.1_1 GNU version of 'make' utility
Very first compile errors out and I simply haven't a clue. Packages include :
gcc-ecj-4.5 Eclipse Java Compiler used to build GCC Java
gcc47-4.7.4_1,1 GNU Compiler Collection 4.7
gettext- GNU gettext package
gmake-4.1_1 GNU version of 'make' utility
root@mail3:/package/host/ucspi-tcp6-1.01# package/install
./compile tcpserver.c
exec: gcc: not found
*** Error code 127
make: stopped in /package/host/ucspi-tcp6-1.01/compile
compile: fatal: cannot make it-base
root@mail3:/package/host/ucspi-tcp6-1.01# package/install
./compile tcpserver.c
exec: gcc: not found
*** Error code 127
make: stopped in /package/host/ucspi-tcp6-1.01/compile
compile: fatal: cannot make it-base