Other full disk encryption software

I want encrypt external USB drive, at this moment I use dm-crypt (XFS filesystem), but I cannot read this drive under freeBSD.
Do you know any software, which can encrypt drive and it will work on Linux and FreeBSD?
At this moment i think about TrueCrypt,but maybe you know something better.
I want encrypt external USB drive, at this moment I use dm-crypt (XFS filesystem), but I cannot read this drive under freeBSD.
Do you know any software, which can encrypt drive and it will work on Linux and FreeBSD?
At this moment i think about TrueCrypt,but maybe you know something better.
dm-crypt is ported to DragonFly which shares the same ancestry with FreeBSD so you could check out DragonFly BSD source code and see how difficultly would be to port it to FreeBSD. As mentioned in one of earlier posts FreeBSD uses geli(8) and since you prefer dm-crypt over LUKS on Linux you must be an expert


DragonFly BSD also has native BSD licensed TrueCrypt implementation which possibly could be ported to FreeBSD.

A peace of advise. Some of alpha males in FreeBSD camp are still sore after the lost of one of their best kernel hackers Matt Dillon. I wage $100 that no kernel code from DragonFly BSD will ever make FreeBSD proper (dma userland is an exception) so be ready to maintain your own fork of FreeBSD.
No hard feelings, lebarondemerde :)
This is just an informational post for any future wanderers/visitors about only one encryption software that supposed to work with Windows, MacOS, FreeBSD and Linux, so one encrypted USB can be decripted in all OSes.
I was hoped that someone here uses it, because I can't managed to get it work, and I am not shure if it is a bug or I am doing something wrong, and I don't know anything about programming or porting to examine that thing. :(