ftpd without authorization

I want to make fileshare. I don't know why people prefer FTP to HTTP but I'm still trying to use FTP as I "should". Tutorials say that I need to configure user but I want to make it open type (without any authorization but read only). Is it possible for ftpd()?
FTP should be avoided if possible, it's a broken by design protocol that can not be fixed. If all you need is a read-only fileshare use HTTP.
If you must use ftp, something like this would work.

pw useradd -m -n ftp -c "Anonymous FTP User,,," -s /sbin/nologin -d "/var/ftp"
cd /var/ftp
rm -r .*
mkdir pub
chown -R root:ftp /var/ftp/
chmod 755 etc
echo "ftp" >> /etc/ftpchroot
touch /var/log/ftpd
echo 'ftpd_enable="YES"' >> /etc/rc.conf.local
echo 'ftpd_flags="-ASll"' >> /etc/rc.conf.local
service ftpd start
I don't must. I thought that its right, but if FTP broken by design. I'll use working HTTP instead. Thanks