Freebsd Python Torch packages and virtual environments ?

id like to install ComfyUI on Freebsd for work

however it requires python torch
and i dont think there are any binaries for freebsd to download torch with pip

using pip to install torch on Freebsd or in a linux jail will return this error

ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement torch (from versions: none)
ERROR: No matching distribution found for torch

i tried using miniconda and python venv in a linux jail to install torch
without any luck

i did see Vermaden post from a couple of years ago about install stable diffusion

which uses linux-miniconda-installer package

however when i installed the linux-miniconda-installer package it said you need to install python 3.8
which is now deprecated

so i gave that a miss

searching for torch packages

pkg search torch

returns the following

py311-facenet-pytorch-2.5.3    Pretrained PyTorch face detection and recognition models
py311-pytorch-2.5.1_1          PyTorch: Tensors and dynamic neural networks in Python
py311-pytorch-lightning-2.3.3  Lightweight PyTorch wrapper for ML researchers
py311-pytorchvideo-0.1.5_2     Video understanding deep learning library
py311-torch-geometric-2.6.1    Graph neural network library for PyTorch
py311-torchaudio-2.2.1_6       PyTorch-based audio signal processing and machine learning library
py311-torchmetrics-1.6.0       PyTorch native metrics
py311-torchvision-0.20.1       PyTorch: Datasets, transforms and models specific to computer vision
pytorch-2.4.1_2                Tensors and dynamic neural networks in Python (C++ library)

so is it possible to install the py311-pytorch packages
and get them to work with a python virtual env

to enable us to install software that requires python torch like ComfyU or WhisperX