Solved FreeBSD on Intel Z series Atom chips

It's been said before but I've installed FreeBSD on so many of my systems now it's drilled in my head. When the boot hangs here are the steps.

1. Option 3 at boot loader
2. unset [enter]
3. boot [enter]
4. As root: vi /etc/device.hints
5. Comment out with "#" the line -"isa"
6. Save with "w!"
7. Reboot all set.

I'm making this post at work while it's on my mind. This is from memory. I'll double check it later but should be accurate.

EDIT: luckily 8 of the systems I have I am booting from USB so I only have to set up one and then image the other drives. But this is so annoying.

EDIT 2: I did notice that the cstate error is not an issue so far. This was an issue with Linux but I've had no system lockups. So nice!

EDIT 3: Specifically I'm using the x5-z8350 and z8300 chips. Great low power chips for gaming lans. ?