Solved FreeBSD i386 install problem

Greetings all,

I have partitioned the hard drive as follows:
ada0p1  512K freebsd-boot
ada0p2  2G freebsd-ufs /
ada0p3  6G freebsd-swap none
ada0p4  4G freebsd-ufs /var
ada0p5  256M freebsd-ufs /tmp
ada0p6  90G  freebsd-ufs /usr

When I try to finish and continue I get:
Error mounting partition /mnt/tmp /dev/ada0p5: invalid argument

Any ideas?

which does not seem to have a problem with that size. Unless, of course, you have not tested it. ;-(
wblock@ used 256M in that guide not 256k.

256k for /tmp is too small anyway if you want to run e.g. Firefox (it stores files there if you select "Open with" in the download dialog).
Hi wblock@, tobik,

I apologize, it is a misprint in my first post, I will correct it. Amazingly, it is working with 512M.


I plan on running Firefox, how much should I allocate to tmp?

Kindest regards,


thank you both very much. Since it is now working with 512M, I will not try my luck and leave it as is.

Kindest regards,

Well, I knew I should not have done it. I tried out of curiosity to change the size to 256M and it did not work. So I reverted back to 512M and still have the same error message.

Is there a log file somewhere so that I can look at the problem?

Kindest regards,

How did you change the size? Changing the partition size does not resize the filesystem on that partition.
Hi wblock@,

I deleted all the partitions, destroyed the geom and recreated the geom and partitions afresh with the 256M size for /tmp. Then I repeated the process for 512M size for /tmp. The gpart show geom reported correct partitions' sizes in both cases.

Kindest regards,

Hi wblock@,

Thank you for trying to help.

I have the issue "solved", but do not know why. Initially, I used your guide and gpart(8) to create the partitioning scheme, because I wanted to align the partitions to 4K. The installer recognized the partitioning, and appeared to create all the file systems and mount points until the failure and resulting error message regarding the mount for the /tmp partition.

I have deleted all the partitions and the geom and in the installer selected "ZFS" and in the options "Align to 4K". Then I deleted the ZFS file system, increased the swap, and created the other partitions /var, /tmp, and /usr with corresponding mount points, and the installer proceeded.

I have checked the partitioning scheme created by the gpart(8) and the installer, and they were identical.

Kindest regards,
