bhyve FreeBSD Desktop running on bhyve?

What I am looking to do is run a full FreeBSD desktop (XFCE) in a bhyve VM. Ideally I would want to enable auto-login and have the ability to VNC into that VM. I want to do this in order to examine if porting of my workflows to FreeBSD is possible to potentially make FreeBSD my primary desktop OS.

What I have so far.

- FreeBSD (FreeBSD fdesk 14.1-RELEASE-p5 FreeBSD 14.1-RELEASE-p5 GENERIC amd64) running in bhyve (uefi)
- xorg / XFCE running via SCFB

However, I have no mouse when connecting to the VM's console. I have tried several things I found on these forums & elsewhere to fix the mouse, but no luck so far.

My questions:

Broadly, is anyone aware of a FreeBSD Desktop on bhyve guide? This would be helpful.

Specifically, how do we get xorg mouse support via console on FreeBSD in a bhyve VM?

Thank you.