Solved FreeBSD cannot connect to the internet on VirtualBox

Hi All,
I installed FreeBSD 11 on VirtualBox using an image from I tried to run pkg(8) but it seem no internet connection. I tried to configure OpenDNS on the file resolv.conf (OpenDNS solve the problem on FreeBSD 10.2) but I got the same result pkg does not work.

Can any one help me to connect FreeBSD to internet step by step? I want to install Mate and the French localization.
"It doesn't work" doesn't tell us much. Please provide the exact error message.

Also provide us with the details of the VirtualBox configuration, did you use bridged, NAT or host-only networking?
This would be a question for since it is their package you got this from. And you don't say what OS you installed VirtualBox on so it might also be a question for that host OS.
Sorry, I have windows 10 with virtual box the last version.

on virtualbox: configuration->network i use NAT.

this is the result of a ping command:
ping: cannot resolv host name lookup failure.
Lookup failures are related to DNS settings. On FreeBSD check if /etc/resolv.conf is correct. Are you able to ping by IP address, i.e. ping
That means your VM has no network at all. What's the output of ifconfig?
Your em0 interface has no IP address. Hence no network (or internet) connectivity.
Your em0 interface has no IP address. Hence no network (or internet) connectivity.

I have internet connection on my laptop, my problem is that I'm not so good in networking. I want just the tool pkg(8) run to install mate and the French localization and use FreeBSD as an intermediate user.

I can download any Linux image but I LOVE FreeBSD.