I'm real new to BSD. I'm trying to run X on my laptop. It's running a 4700U which according to the list says it's supported. When I startx with no .xinitrc and nothing in xorg.conf.d it fails and I'm not sure why. I did add the amdgpu to the rc.conf through sysctl and I think it's loaded? I'm not entirely sure how to check.
I also tried it with the xorg.conf that X -configure generated. I put that in /usr/local/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/xorg.conf but that didn't seem to make a difference either.
I've been using Linux for a number of years and I'm trying to daily drive FreeBSD for a while to try it.
I found a reddit thread of the same issue but no one posted a solution. I also did put GhostBSD on a thumb drive and tried to boot that and that also didn't work but I didn't look to hard into that one.
Thank You!! I look forward to reading BSD code and not understanding it!!
I'm real new to BSD. I'm trying to run X on my laptop. It's running a 4700U which according to the list says it's supported. When I startx with no .xinitrc and nothing in xorg.conf.d it fails and I'm not sure why. I did add the amdgpu to the rc.conf through sysctl and I think it's loaded? I'm not entirely sure how to check.
I also tried it with the xorg.conf that X -configure generated. I put that in /usr/local/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/xorg.conf but that didn't seem to make a difference either.
I've been using Linux for a number of years and I'm trying to daily drive FreeBSD for a while to try it.
I found a reddit thread of the same issue but no one posted a solution. I also did put GhostBSD on a thumb drive and tried to boot that and that also didn't work but I didn't look to hard into that one.
Thank You!! I look forward to reading BSD code and not understanding it!!