Solved Firefox and SQLITE_ENABLE_FTS3 error

Installing Firefox v55.00 from source ports results in:

DEBUG:               return !sqlite3_compileoption_used("SQLITE_ENABLE_FTS3");
DEBUG:             }
DEBUG: configure: error: System SQLite library is not compiled with SQLITE_ENABLE_FTS3.
ERROR: old-configure failed

The installed sqlite3 was 3.20.0 and the options included FTS3_TOKEN and FTS4. I even tried adding the pesky SQLITE_ENABLE_FTS3 option to the Makefile, recompiling and reinstalling without any better result.

In the end, I uninstalled sqlite3 3.20.0 and used pkg install sqlite3 to install a binary package which turned out to be v3.19.3_1. This worked and allowed me to build and install Firefox v55.0.
In the end, I uninstalled sqlite3 3.20.0 and used pkg install sqlite3 to install a binary package which turned out to be v3.19.3_1.
The port was updated yesterday and the build clusters haven't build the newer version yet. It can take a few days for the packages to catch up with the ports.

Keep an eye on it though, it's of course possible there have been changes in SQLite that Firefox doesn't take into account yet.