I use 1984hosting.com as my provider and want to install FreeBSD on the server. I can see that they have the operating system in the dropdown menu, so I do not have to download it myself. However, when I go through the installation I have to set up the internet connection. The information I have is
*address: 185.***.***.***
*DNS-PTR: vps-************
*Gateway: 185.***.***.1
*Nameserver no1 and no2
All fine so far, I launch the .iso on the server using their Remote Access. FreeBSD Installer launches and I press install.
I select my language for the keyboard layout.
The hostname I just leave it blank, I do not want a host name atm so that is why. I am neather running on a managed network so I do not see the point.
Select Port and lib32 in distribution selection, it is pre selected.
*Here the where I think I run into trouble*
A popup named "Network Installation" shows up. It says "Some installation files were not found on your boot volume.". Basicly I have to connect to the internet in order to download them.
So I select the network interface (only one to choose from) and select ok when asked if I want to configure IPv4 and ok when asked if I want to use DHCP. "Acquiting DHCP lease" pops up and some time passes. I select No to configure IPv6 since I use IPv4 and do not want to make things more complicated.
Now Resolver Configuration shows up. I do not know what "Search" means, so it may be here it all goes south. I just enter my DNS-PTR and enter my DNS servers.
Next up is just partitioning, so skipping that part.
Now I am done, and press apply. This pops up then
Error while fetching ftp://(addres to a file). No address record
So I just start over, but this time the DHCP lease acquision fail. So I skip it configuring the network myself. IP Adress and subnetmask I have, but Default router? What is that? No Idea. Have tried it being blank and with Default Gateway address, none work.
Anyone know what is wrong?
TL;DR but still want to help:
1. What does "Search" mean in the Resolve Configuration popup mean? What should I enter there?
2. What is Default Router? What should be entered there?
Thank you all in advance!
*address: 185.***.***.***
*DNS-PTR: vps-************
*Gateway: 185.***.***.1
*Nameserver no1 and no2
All fine so far, I launch the .iso on the server using their Remote Access. FreeBSD Installer launches and I press install.
I select my language for the keyboard layout.
The hostname I just leave it blank, I do not want a host name atm so that is why. I am neather running on a managed network so I do not see the point.
Select Port and lib32 in distribution selection, it is pre selected.
*Here the where I think I run into trouble*
A popup named "Network Installation" shows up. It says "Some installation files were not found on your boot volume.". Basicly I have to connect to the internet in order to download them.
So I select the network interface (only one to choose from) and select ok when asked if I want to configure IPv4 and ok when asked if I want to use DHCP. "Acquiting DHCP lease" pops up and some time passes. I select No to configure IPv6 since I use IPv4 and do not want to make things more complicated.
Now Resolver Configuration shows up. I do not know what "Search" means, so it may be here it all goes south. I just enter my DNS-PTR and enter my DNS servers.
Next up is just partitioning, so skipping that part.
Now I am done, and press apply. This pops up then
Error while fetching ftp://(addres to a file). No address record
So I just start over, but this time the DHCP lease acquision fail. So I skip it configuring the network myself. IP Adress and subnetmask I have, but Default router? What is that? No Idea. Have tried it being blank and with Default Gateway address, none work.
Anyone know what is wrong?
TL;DR but still want to help:
1. What does "Search" mean in the Resolve Configuration popup mean? What should I enter there?
2. What is Default Router? What should be entered there?
Thank you all in advance!