I have a problem with dosbox-0.74_8 on amd64 10.1-RELEASE:
I cannot get any DOS program working on FreeBSD 10.1 amd64, but all works on FreeBSD 10.1 i386 and on Linux (amd64 and i386). "Not working" means as soon as the DOS program is started (e.g. Settlers 2:
Is there any known workaround?
I cannot get any DOS program working on FreeBSD 10.1 amd64, but all works on FreeBSD 10.1 i386 and on Linux (amd64 and i386). "Not working" means as soon as the DOS program is started (e.g. Settlers 2:
C:> s2.exe
) nothing happens, dosbox responds to hotkeys, but the DOS program is stuck, it does change VESA mode nor give any text output.Is there any known workaround?