I want to try moving from Linux to *BSD for a programming environment. However, from reading online chat, the three major versions sound about equally good. How do they compare in these respects?
- System analysis. How are the facilities for tracing and logging bugs?
- Community support for bug fixing. When you find a bug, how easy is it to find descriptions of the problem, find the right person to report it to, and get it fixed?
- Accurate information. How accurate and thorough is the documentation? How is the signal to noise ratio in the community? A big cause of wasted time for me has been the large amount of outdated or inaccurate information regarding Linux. Chalk it up to the diversity and erratic evolution of the platform, I guess.
- Package management. When you add something to a system, how often to things go wrong and how easy is it to recover when they do? How safe and clean is it to remove programs?
- Tools. How well are the usual development tools supported?