I'm considering creating a couple of ports. The upstream software of the ports I'd like to create compile out-of-the-box on FreeBSD which should make this fairly simple.
I've read the Porter's Handbook but still have some questions I'd like to clarify before tackling this.
1. Port location
When creating a new port, I take it that the port needs to be located in a specific location on my system, right? Or can I just have my port under ~/ports? Would I need to pull the full ports three on the machine where I want to create the port?
2. Build environment
What are the recommendations regarding the environment when creating a new port? As these are mainly build recipes, I take it that I can just do this on my desktop machine or are there some severe problems afterwards? Should I create/build my port in a jail instead? Or a completely dedicated machine?
3. Tarball
From section 3 of the Porter's Handbook:
4. Publishing ports
What are the requirements that need to be met for ports to be included in the "offical ports"? How do I become a port maintainer?
Lets assume there is a port I'd like to create of some custom C++ library that is currently not widely used but I use it in several of my other projects/programs. Should I still contribute the port to the official ports or "keep it to myself"?
I've read the Porter's Handbook but still have some questions I'd like to clarify before tackling this.
1. Port location
When creating a new port, I take it that the port needs to be located in a specific location on my system, right? Or can I just have my port under ~/ports? Would I need to pull the full ports three on the machine where I want to create the port?
2. Build environment
What are the recommendations regarding the environment when creating a new port? As these are mainly build recipes, I take it that I can just do this on my desktop machine or are there some severe problems afterwards? Should I create/build my port in a jail instead? Or a completely dedicated machine?
3. Tarball
From section 3 of the Porter's Handbook:
I assume that this is the tarball containing the upstream project source, is that correct? Do ports generally ship with the tarball or would the port itself only contain a reference of where the tarball can be obtained from and it will be pulled in automagically when building the port?First, get the original tarball and put it into DISTDIR, which defaults to /usr/ports/distfiles.
4. Publishing ports
What are the requirements that need to be met for ports to be included in the "offical ports"? How do I become a port maintainer?
Lets assume there is a port I'd like to create of some custom C++ library that is currently not widely used but I use it in several of my other projects/programs. Should I still contribute the port to the official ports or "keep it to myself"?